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Former Governor Mike Pence

Former Indiana Governor Mike Pence

Former Governor Pence > Newsroom > Family Impact Statements Family Impact Statements

As a candidate in 2012, Governor Pence released his Roadmap for Indiana, which included six major goals to make Indiana a state that works. The sixth committed to improving the health, safety and well-being of Hoosier families, especially children. As part of that commitment, Governor Pence released the attached white paper which cited the rationale and accompanying research for the Roadmap goals and outlined specific steps for achievement.

On his first day in office, Governor Pence accomplished one of the stated goals of his 2012 white paper by signing Executive Order 13-05, which requires certain state agencies to submit Family Impact Statements whenever promulgating new rules or implementing new policies. These Family Impact Statements are rooted in an evidence-based understanding of the important role that families play in school, work, and life, and they are an important step in helping to ensure that the State of Indiana does not intentionally or unintentionally adopt new rules or policies that might be harmful to Hoosier families.

Family Policy White Paper

Department of Child Services

Department of Corrections

Department of Workforce Development

Family and Social Services Administration

Indiana Criminal Justice Institute

Indiana State Department of Health