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Indiana Bicentennial Celebration 2016

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Legacy Projects > Blue and Gold Floral Tribute to Indiana’s Flag Blue and Gold Floral Tribute to Indiana’s Flag

The Garden Club of Indiana, Inc. will celebrate Indiana’s 2016 Bicentennial by promoting a floral tribute to the state flag with statewide plantings of blue and gold flowers. Garden club members will use these colors in their many civic projects, including plantings at parks, municipal buildings, libraries, schools, nursing homes, etc., as well as their own homes. The public is encouraged to join in this bicentennial celebration with blue and gold floral plantings in their own locale. Any size planting will show pride in Indiana’s flag and be a fitting celebration of Indiana’s 2016 Bicentennial.

Supporting businesses include:

  • Kelps's Greenhouse
    Nashville, IN
  • The Flower and Herb Barn
    Nineveh, IN
  • Brown Hill Nursery
    Columbus, IN
  • Winton's Iris Hill
    Franklin, IN

Q&A with Legacy Project Coordinator Gerry St. Peters

What do you consider the key accomplishment of your Legacy Project?

  • Garden club members throughout the state were successful in promoting the planting
    of blue and gold flowers in their own communities. Municipal and home landscapes
    featured the colors of Indiana's flag.

Describe a highlight or most memorable moment related to your Legacy Project.

  • Both the Indiana Nursery and Landscape Association and the Indiana Flower and Patio
    Show gave us a complimentary booth to promote the project, and we exhibited in each.
    Anne Maschmeyer, Beautification Director of Downtown Indy, fulled embraced the
    project, and blue and gold plantings were changed seasonally, which added to the
    beauty of our state's capital.

How/where are you preserving information and artifacts related to your Legacy Project?

  • The Garden Club of Indiana, Inc. records its history for each administration, and it is
    placed in the Manuscript Department of the Indiana State Library.

Total number of volunteers who participated.

  • 1,600 members

The Garden Club of Indiana, Inc. Bicentennial Committee Members

  • Gerry St. Peters, Indianapolis, IN, Chairman of Committee
  • Jodi Meyer, Princeton, IN, State President
  • Sue Fuhrman, Santa Claus, IN, Committee Member
  • Jayne Kesler, Peru, IN, Committee Member

Photos of Floral Tribute

Photo 1Photo 2Photo 3

Project Details
