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Indiana Bicentennial Celebration 2016

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Legacy Projects > Clay County Historical Society Bicentennial Memorial Park Clay County Historical Society Bicentennial Memorial Park

To celebrate Indiana’s 200th Anniversary, the Clay County Historical Bicentennial Memorial Park not only will pay tribute to the history of Indiana, county and City of Brazil, but to some of the people who had dedicated much of their life to the teaching and preserving our county’s history. This park which already has an interpretive panel, depicting the importance of US 40 as transportation route, will be enhanced with pieces of our history as a reminder of our past.

There will be old Brazil pavers in the walkways, an interurban rail from the new construction of US 40, a gazebo, landscaping with some native Indiana plants, park benches and the first “Little Free Library” station in Clay County. This pocket park will help enhance the overall historic appeal of our county museum and entice visitors to view the Indiana National Road Association interpretive panel placed in this county. This park will also help promote the Brazil Mainstreet efforts to beautify downtown Brazil in anticipation of the torch run through our community.
