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Standards & Specifications, Standard Drawings, Sept 2020


Section 700 - Structures
Effective for Lettings on or after September 1, 2020
Last Updated: 05/18/20

Drawing Series & Numbers
Drawing Title
Eff. Date
E 701-BPIL

E 701-BPIL-01
E 701-BPIL-02
E 701-BPIL-03
E 701-BPIL-04
E 701-BPIL-05

Bridge Pilings

Reinforced-Concrete Encasement for Piles (eff. 09/04/12, prev. E 701-BPIL-02)
Field Splicing Pipe Piles (rev. 09/04/12)
Steel H-Pile Splice (eff. 09/04/12, prev. E 701-BPIL-04)
Steel H-Pile Splice (continued) (rev. 09/04/12)
Alternate Steel H-Pile Mechanical Splice (rev. 09/04/12)

Revision Notes
E 702-CJTA

E 702-CJTA-01

Type A Construction Joint

Type A Construction Joint (rev. 09/04/12, editorial only)

Revision Notes
E 703-BRST

E 703-BRST-01

Bridge Reinforcing Steel

Bar Bending Details (rev. 09/01/15)

Revision Notes
E 704-BDCG

E 704-BDCG-01
E 704-BDCG-02
E 704-BDCG-03
E 704-BDCG-04
E 704-BDCG-05

Bridge Deck Castings & Grates

Deck Drain Type OS (rev. 09/04/12)
Deck Drain Type OS Grate (rev. 09/04/12)
Deck Drain Type SQ (rev. 09/04/12)
Deck Drain Type SQ Grate (rev. 09/04/12)
Deck Drain Type OS or SQ Adjusting Frame (eff. 09/04/12, prev. E 706-BDCG)

Revision Notes
E 704-SBFD

E 704-SBFD-01

Slab Bridge Floor Drain

Slab Bridge Floor Drain Detail (rev. 09/04/12)

Revision Notes
E 706-BRPF

E 706-BRPF-01

Bridge Railing Pedestrian Fence

Bridge Railing Pedestrian Fence (new 09/04/12, RPD 706-B-193d)

Revision Notes
E 706-BRPP

E 706-BRPP-01
E 706-BRPP-02
E 706-BRPP-03
E 706-BRPP-04
E 706-BRPP-05
E 706-BRPP-06

Bridge Railing Pedestrian-Height Parapet

Railing, PF-1 and PS-1 Index and General Notes (rev. 09/01/19)
Railing, PF-1 Elevation, Section, and Rail End Detail (rev. 09/01/19)
Railing, PS-1 Elevation, Section, and Rail End Detail (rev. 09/01/19)
Railing, PF-1 and PS-1 Steel Tube and Rail Splice Details (rev. 09/01/19)
Railing, PF-1 and PS-1 Base Plate and Reinforcing Bar Bending Details (rev. 09/01/19)
Railing, PF & PS Details (del. 09/01/19)

Revision Notes
E 706-BRSF

E 706-BRSF-01
E 706-BRSF-02
E 706-BRSF-03
E 706-BRSF-04

Bridge Railing Shape F (prev. E 706-BCBR)

Concrete Railing, FC and FT Index and General Notes (rev. 09/01/19)
Concrete Railing, FC (rev. 09/01/19)
Concrete Railing, FT (rev. 09/01/19)
Concrete Railing Placement (new 09/01/19)

Revision Notes
E 706-BRTF

E 706-BRTF-01
E 706-BRTF-02
E 706-BRTF-03
E 706-BRTF-04

Bridge Railing TF-2

Railing, TF-2 Index (rev. 09/01/19)
Railing, TF-2 Elevation, Section, and Rail End Detail (rev. 09/01/19)
Railing, TF-2 Steel Tube and Rail Splice Details (rev. 09/01/19)
Railing, TF-2 Base Plate and Bar Bend Details (new 09/01/19)

Revision Notes
E 706-BRTR Bridge Railing TR (del. 09/01/19) 09/01/19
Revision Notes
E 706-BRTX

E 706-BRTX-01
E 706-BRTX-02
E 706-BRTX-03
E 706-BRTX-04

Bridge Railing TX

Railing, TX Typical Panel (rev. 09/04/12)
Railing, TX Window Details (rev. 09/04/12)
Railing, TX Span Pilaster (rev. 09/04/12)
Railing, TX Pier or End Bent Pilaster (rev. 09/04/12)

Revision Notes
E 706-CBRT

E 706-CBRT-01
E 706-CBRT-02
E 706-CBRT-03
E 706-CBRT-04

Concrete Bridge Railing Transition

Bridge Railing Transition WFC or TFC, Details at End Bent (rev. 09/04/12)
Bridge Railing Transition WFC, Attachment of Guardrail (rev. 09/04/12, editorial only)
Bridge Railing Transition TFT, Details at End Bent (rev. 09/04/12)
Bridge Railing Transition TFC or TFT, Attachment of Guardrail (rev. 09/04/12, editorial only)

Revision Notes
E 706-MSRW

E 706-MSRW-01
E 706-MSRW-02
E 706-MSRW-03
E 706-MSRW-04
E 706-MSRW-05
E 706-MSRW-06
E 706-MSRW-07
E 706-MSRW-08
E 706-MSRW-09
E 706-MSRW-10

Moment Slab with Retaining Wall (prev. E 706-BRRW)

Railing Type FC and Moment Slab Aside MSE Wall – PCCP (rev. 09/04/12, editorial only)
Railing Type FT and Moment Slab Aside MSE Wall – PCCP (rev. 09/04/12, editorial only)
Railing Type FC and Moment Slab Aside MSE Wall – HMA Pavement (rev. 09/04/12, editorial only)
Railing Type FT and Moment Slab Aside MSE Wall – HMA Pavement (rev. 09/04/12, editorial only)
Railing Type FC and Moment Slab Atop MSE Wall – PCCP (del. 09/01/19)
Railing Type FT and Moment Slab Atop MSE Wall – PCCP (del. 09/01/19)
Railing Type FC and Moment Slab Atop MSE Wall – HMA Pavement (del. 09/01/19)
Railing Type FT and Moment Slab Atop MSE Wall – HMA Pavement (del. 09/01/19)
Moment Slab Joints (edit. 09/01/20)
Railing & Moment Slab at MSE (edit. 09/01/20)

Revision Notes
E 706-TTFC

E 706-TTFC-01
E 706-TTFC-02
E 706-TTFC-03

Transition Thrie to FC (prev. E 706-TTBC)

Concrete Bridge Railing Transition Type TFC Plan and Elevation (rev. 09/04/12)
Concrete Bridge Railing Transition Type TFC Sections (rev. 09/04/12)
Concrete Bridge Railing Transition Type TFC Bar-Bending Diagrams (rev. 09/04/12)

Revision Notes
E 706-TTFT

E 706-TTFT-01
E 706-TTFT-02
E 706-TTFT-03

Transition Thrie to FT (prev. E 706-TTBT)

Concrete Bridge Railing Transition Type TFT Plan & Elevation (rev. 09/04/12)
Concrete Bridge Railing Transition, Type TFT Sections (rev. 09/04/12)
Concrete Bridge Railing Transition Type TFT Bar-Bending Diagrams (rev. 09/04/12)

Revision Notes
E 706-TTPP

E 706-TTPP-01
E 706-TTPP-02
E 706-TTPP-03
E 706-TTPP-04
E 706-TTPP-05
E 706-TTPP-06
E 706-TTPP-07
E 706-TTPP-08

Concrete Bridge Railing Transition

Concrete Bridge Railing Transition Index and General Notes (rev. 09/01/19)
Concrete Bridge Railing Transition, TPF-1 Plan and Elevation (rev. 09/01/19)
Concrete Bridge Railing Transition, TPF-1 Sections and Reinforcing Bar Bending Details (rev. 09/01/19)
Concrete Bridge Railing Transition, TPS-1 Plan and Elevation (rev. 09/01/19)
Concrete Bridge Railing Transition, TPS-1 Sections and Reinforcing Bar Bendign Details (rev. 09/01/19)
Concrete Bridge Railing Transition, TPS-1 Sections (del. 09/01/19)
Concrete Bridge Railing Transition, TPS-2 Plan & Elevation (del. 09/01/19)
Concrete Bridge Railing Transition, TPS-2 Sections (del. 09/01/19)

Revision Notes
E 706-TTTF

E 706-TTTF-01
E 706-TTTF-02
E 706-TTTF-03
E 706-TTTF-04

Transition Thrie to TF-2 (prev. E 706-TPBT)

Bridge Railing Transition, TTF-2 Plan & Elevation (rev. 09/04/12)
Bridge Railing Transition, TTF-2 Sections (rev. 09/04/12)
Bridge Railing Transition, TTF-2 Sections (rev. 09/04/12)
Bridge Railing Transition, TTF-2 Bar-Bending Diagrams (rev. 09/04/12)

Revision Notes
E 706-TTTX

E 706-TTTX-01
E 706-TTTX-02

Transition Thrie to TX (prev. E 706-TPBT)

Concrete Bridge Railing Transition, TTX Plan & Elevation (rev. 09/02/14)
Concrete Bridge Railing Transition, TTX Sections (rev. 09/02/14)

Revision Notes
E 706-TWFC Transition W-Beam to FC (del. 09/01/19) 09/01/19
Revision Notes
E 707-BPBF

E 707-BPBF-01
E 707-BPBF-02
E 707-BPBF-03
E 707-BPBF-04

Bridge Precast Beam Fabrication

Fabrication Tolerances Prestressed Box Beam (rev. 09/04/12)
Fabrication Tolerances Prestressed I-Beam (rev. 09/04/12)
Fabrication Tolerances Prestressed Bulb-Tee Beam (rev. 09/04/12)
Fabrication Tolerances General Notes (eff. 09/01/11)

Revision Notes
E 707-SDPC

E 707-SDPC-01
E 707-SDPC-02
E 707-SDPC-03
E 707-SDPC-04
E 707-SDPC-05
E 707-SDPC-06

Steel Diaphragms

Steel Diaphragms AASHTO I-Beams (eff. 09/04/07)
Steel Diaphragms AASHTO I-Beams (eff. 09/04/07)
Steel Diaphragms Indiana Bulb-Tees, 54" Depth (eff. 09/04/07)
Steel Diaphragms Indiana Bulb-Tees, 54" Depth (eff. 09/04/07)
Steel Diaphragms Indiana Bulb-Tees, 60" or Deeper (eff. 09/04/07)
Steel Diaphragms Indiana Bulb-Tees, 60" or Deeper (eff. 09/04/07)

E 713-TCTR

E 713-TCTR-01
E 713-TCTR-02
E 713-TCTR-02A
E 713-TCTR-03
E 713-TCTR-04

Traffic Control Temporary Runaround

Temporary Runaround Geometrics (eff. 09/01/11)
Temporary Runaround Geometrics (eff. 09/01/11)
Temporary Runaround Geometrics (eff. 09/01/11)
Traffic Control Temporary Runaround Signing & Marking (eff. 09/01/11)
Traffic Control Temporary General Notes (eff. 09/01/10)

E 714-BCEX

E 714-BCEX-01
E 714-BCEX-02

Box Culvert Extension

Precast Box-Culvert Extension (eff. 09/01/10)
Cast-in-Place Box-Culvert Extension (eff. 09/01/10)

E 714-BCJT

E 714-BCJT-01

Box Culvert Joint

Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Section Joint (eff. 09/01/11)

E 714-BCSP

E 714-BCSP-01

Box Culvert Scour Protection

Box Culvert Sumping and Scour Protection (eff. 09/01/11)

E 715-ANCH

E 715-ANCH-01
E 715-ANCH-02


Concrete Anchor Tables (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Concrete Anchor Tables (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)

E 715-BDCG

E 715-BDCG-01

Bridge Drain Castings and Grates

Roadway Drain Casting Pipe (eff. 09/01/11)

E 715-BKFL

E 715-BKFL-01
E 715-BKFL-02
E 715-BKFL-03
E 715-BKFL-04
E 715-BKFL-05
E 715-BKFL-06
E 715-BKFL-07
E 715-BKFL-08
E 715-BKFL-09
E 715-BKFL-10

Pipe Backfill

Pipe Backfill Method 1, New Roadway, Trench (eff. 09/02/08)
Pipe Backfill Method 1, New Roadway, Embankment (eff. 09/02/08)
Pipe Backfill Method 1, Existing Asphalt Roadway, Trench (edit. 09/01/19)
Pipe Backfill Method 1, Existing Roadway, Trench (edit. 09/01/20)
Pipe Backfill Method 1, Existing Roadway, Trench (edit. 09/01/20)
Pipe Backfill Method 2, New or Existing Drive (eff. 09/02/08)
Pipe Backfill Method 2, New or Existing Drive (eff. 09/02/08)
Pipe Backfill Method 3, Median Installation, Trench (eff. 09/02/08)
Pipe Backfill Method 1, Median Installation, Embankment (eff. 09/02/08)
Pipe Backfill Limit Determination (eff. 09/04/07)

Revision Notes
E 715-GBTO

E 715-GBTO-01
E 715-GBTO-02
E 715-GBTO-03
E 715-GBTO-04
E 715-GBTO-05
E 715-GBTO-06
E 715-GBTO-07
E 715-GBTO-08

Grated Box End Section Type I

Grated Box End Section Type I Plan & Elevation (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Grated Box End Section Type I Bar-Bending Diagrams (eff. 09/01/09)
Grated Box End Section Type I Plan & Elevation (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Grated Box End Section Type I Details (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Grated Box End Section Type I Dimensions & Quantities (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Grated Box End Section Type I Dimensions (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Grated Box End Section Type I Dimensions (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Grated Box End Section Type I Dimensions & Quantities (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)

E 715-GBTT

E 715-GBTT-01
E 715-GBTT-02
E 715-GBTT-03
E 715-GBTT-04
E 715-GBTT-05
E 715-GBTT-06

Grated Box End Section Type II

Grated Box End Section Type II Plan & Elevation (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Grated Box End Section Type II Grate Details (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Grated Box End Section Type II Plan & Elevation (eff. 03/01/06)
Grated Box End Section Type II Grate Details (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Grated Box End Section Type II Dimensions & Quantities (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Grated Box End Section Type II Dimensions & Quantities (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)

E 715-MPCA

E 715-MPCA-01
E 715-MPCA-02

Multiple Pipe Concrete Anchors

Double or Triple Pipes (rev. 07/27/99, format update only)
Circular or Elliptical Pipe, or Pipe-Arch (rev. 07/27/99, format update only)

E 715-MPES

E 715-MPES-01
E 715-MPES-02
E 715-MPES-03

Metal Pipe End Section

Metal Pipe End Section, Circular Pipe (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Metal Pipe Arch End Section, Pipe-Arch (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Metal Pipe End Section Connections (rev. 07/27/99, format update only)

E 715-PAHB

E 715-PAHB-01

Pipe Anchor Hook Bolt

Pipe Anchor Hook Bolt Details (rev. 07/27/99, format update only)

E 715-PASD

E 715-PASD-01

Pipe Anchor Strap Details

Pipe Anchor Strap Details (eff. 09/02/08)

E 715-PCES

E 715-PCES-01

Precast Concrete End Section

Precast Concrete End Section (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)

E 715-PCEX

E 715-PCEX-01

Concrete Collar for Pipe Extension

Pipe Culvert Extension (rev. 07/27/99, format update only)

E 715-PCSP

E 715-PCSP-01

Pipe Culvert Sumping Protection

Pipe Culvert Sumping Protection (editorial rev. 09/01/17)

Revision Notes
E 715-PHCL

E 715-PHCL-01
E 715-PHCL-02
E 715-PHCL-03
E 715-PHCL-04
E 715-PHCL-05
E 715-PHCL-06
E 715-PHCL-07
E 715-PHCL-08
E 715-PHCL-09
E 715-PHCL-10
E 715-PHCL-11
E 715-PHCL-12
E 715-PHCL-13
E 715-PHCL-14
E 715-PHCL-15
E 715-PHCL-16
E 715-PHCL-17
E 715-PHCL-18
E 715-PHCL-19
E 715-PHCL-20
E 715-PHCL-21
E 715-PHCL-22
E 715-PHCL-23
E 715-PHCL-24
E 715-PHCL-25

Pipe Height of Cover Limits

Drawing Index and General Notes (new 09/01/17)
Cover Limits--Corr. Alum. Alloy Pipe 2 2/3" x 1/2"(Lock Seam) (rev. 09/01/17, format update only)
Cover Limits--Corr. Alum. Alloy Pipe 2 2/3" x 1/2"(Riveted) (rev. 09/01/17, format update only)
Cover Limits--Corr. Alum. Alloy Pipe-Arch 2 2/3" x 1/2" (rev. 09/01/17, format update only)
Cover Limits--Corr. Alum. Alloy Pipe 3" x 1"(Lock Seam) (rev. 09/01/17, format update only)
Cover Limits--Corr. Alum. Alloy Pipe 3" x 1"(Riveted) (rev. 09/01/17, format update only)
Cover Limits--Corr. Alum. Alloy Pipe-Arch 3" x 1" (rev. 09/01/17, format update only)
Cover Limits--Corr. Alum. Alloy Pipe 6" x 1"(Lock Seam) (rev. 09/01/17, format update only)
Cover Limits--Corr. Alum. Alloy Pipe 6" x 1"(Riveted) (rev. 09/01/17, format update only)
Cover Limits--Corr. Steel Pipe 2 2/3" x 1/2"(Lock Seam) (rev. 09/01/17, format update only)
Cover Limits--Corr. Steel Pipe 2 2/3" x 1/2"(Riveted) (rev. 09/01/17, format update only)
Cover Limits--Corr. Steel Pipe-Arch 2 2/3" x 1/2" (rev. 09/01/17, format update only)
Cover Limits--Corr. Steel Pipe 3" x 1"(Lock Seam) (rev. 09/01/17, format update only)
Cover Limits--Corr. Steel Pipe 3" x 1"(Riveted) (rev. 09/01/17, format update only)
Cover Limits--Corr. Steel Pipe-Arch 3" x 1" (rev. 09/01/17, format update only)
Cover Limits--Corr. Steel Pipe 5" x 1"(Lock Seam) (rev. 09/01/17, format update only)
Cover Limits--Corr. Steel Pipe 5" x 1"(Lock Seam) (rev. 09/01/17, format update only)
Cover Limits--Sprial Rib Steel (new 09/01/17)
Cover Limits--Non-Reinforced Conc. Pipe (rev. 09/01/17, format update only)
Cover Limits--Misc. Polyethylene Pipe (rev. 09/01/17)
Cover Limits--Misc. Polyethylene Pipe (rev. 09/01/17)
Cover Limits--Misc. PVC and Polypropylene Pipe (rev. 09/01/17)
Cover Limits--Vitrified Clay Pipe (rev. 09/01/17)
Cover Limits--Reinforced Concrete Pipe (rev. 09/01/17)
Cover Limits--Reinforced Concrete Pipe (rev. 09/01/17)

Revision Notes
E 715-PIPE

E 715-PIPE-01
E 715-PIPE-02


Pipe Classification Tables (rev. 09/01/17)
Miscellaneous Pipe Details (rev. 09/01/17)

Revision Notes
E 715-PSLC

E 715-PSLC-01
E 715-PSLC-02
E 715-PSLC-03

Pipe Service Life Criteria

Corrugated-Steel Pipe Thickness, Non-Abrasive Site (rev. 09/01/17)
Corrugated-Steel Pipe Thickness, Abrasive Site (rev. 09/01/17)
Pipe Service Life Criteria General Notes (rev. 09/01/17)

Revision Notes
E 715-SLDR

E 715-SLDR-01
E 715-SLDR-02
E 715-SLDR-03

Slotted Drain Pipe

Slotted Drain Pipe Hugger Band & Other Details (edit. 09/01/20)
Slotted Drain Pipe Grate Details (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Slotted Vane Drain Pipe Isometric Views; Details (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)

Revision Notes
E 715-SMES

E 715-SMES-01
E 715-SMES-02
E 715-SMES-03
E 715-SMES-04
E 715-SMES-05
E 715-SMES-06
E 715-SMES-07
E 715-SMES-08
E 715-SMES-09
E 715-SMES-10
E 715-SMES-11
E 715-SMES-12

Safety Metal Culvert End Section

Safety Metal Culvert End Sections for Corrugated Pipe (eff. 09/01/00)
Corr. Pipe, Safety Bar Details (rev. 07/27/99, format update only)
Corr. Pipe, Connector Details (rev. 07/27/99, format update only)
Corr. Pipe, Parallel-Structure End Section (rev. 07/27/99, format update only)
Corr. Pipe, Elevation & Section (rev. 07/27/99, format update only)
Corr. Pipe, Dimensions Tables: Circular Pipes & Pipe-Arches (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Safety Metal Culvert End Sections for Smooth Pipe (eff. 09/01/00)
Smooth Pipe, Connectors & Other Details (rev. 07/27/99, format update only)
Smooth Pipe, Safety Bar Details (rev. 07/27/99, format update only)
Smooth Pipe, Elevation & Section (rev. 07/27/99, format update only)
Smooth Pipe, Parallel-Structure End Section (rev. 07/27/99, format update only)
Smooth Pipe, Dimensions Tables: Circular & Elliptical Pipes (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)

E 715-SPCA

E 715-SPCA-01
E 715-SPCA-02

Single Pipe Concrete Anchor

Corrugated Metal Pipe or Pipe-Arch (rev. 07/27/99, format update only)
Reinforced-Concrete Pipe (rev. 09/01/09)

E 717-ANCH

E 717-ANCH-01
E 717-ANCH-02
E 717-ANCH-03

Concrete Anchor Tables

Structural-Plate Steel Pipe-Arch (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Structural-Plate Steel or Aluminum Alloy Pipe-Arch (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Aluminum Alloy Pipe Arch (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)

E 717-MPCA

E 717-MPCA-01
E 717-MPCA-02

Multiple Pipe Concrete Anchor

Double- or Triple-Pipes (rev. 07/27/99, format update only)
Structural-Plate Steel or Aluminum Alloy Pipe-Arch (rev. 07/27/99, format update only)

E 717-PHCL

E 717-PHCL-01
E 717-PHCL-02
E 717-PHCL-03
E 717-PHCL-04
E 717-PHCL-05
E 717-PHCL-06
E 717-PHCL-07
E 717-PHCL-08
E 717-PHCL-09
E 717-PHCL-10

Pipe Height of Cover Limits

Pipe, Structural-Plate, Alum. Alloy, Steel-Bolted: 9 x 2½ (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Pipe, Structural-Plate, Alum. Alloy, Steel-Bolted: 9 x 2½ (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Pipe-Arch, Structural-Plate, Alum. Alloy, Steel-Bolted: 9 x 2½ (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Pipe-Arch, Structural-Plate, Alum. Alloy, Steel-Bolted: 9 x 2½ (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Pipe-Arch, Structural-Plate, Alum. Alloy, Steel-Bolted: 9 x 2½ (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Pipe-Arch, Structural-Plate, Alum. Alloy, Steel-Bolted: 9 x 2½ (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Pipe, Structural-Plate, Steel, Bolted: 6 x 2 (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Pipe, Structural-Plate, Steel, Bolted: 6 x 2 (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Pipe-Arch, Structural-Plate, Steel, Bolted: 6 x 2 (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Pipe-Arch, Structural-Plate, Steel, Bolted: 6 x 2 (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)

E 717-SPCA

E 717-SPCA-01

Single Structural Plate Pipe Concrete Anchor

Structural-Plate Pipe or Pipe-Arch (rev. 07/27/99, format update only)

E 718-UNDR

E 718-UNDR-01
E 718-UNDR-02
E 718-UNDR-03
E 718-UNDR-04
E 718-UNDR-05
E 718-UNDR-06
E 718-UNDR-07

Underdrain Details

Underdrain Drawing Index and General Notes (rev. 09/01/17)
Underdrain Details (rev. 09/01/17)
Underdrain Details (rev. 09/01/17)
Outlet Protector, Type 1 (rev. 09/01/17)
Outlet Protector, Type 2 (rev. 09/01/17)
Outlet Protector, Type 3 (rev. 09/01/17)
Outlet Protector Rodent Screen (rev. 09/01/17)

Revision Notes
E 719-DTCL

E 719-DTCL-01

Draintile Classes

Draintile Classes: Extra, Extra-Duty, Special (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)

E 720-CBCA

E 720-CBCA-01

Catch Basin Casting

Pipe Catch Basin Casting Plan & Elevation (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)

E 720-CBST

E 720-CBST-01
E 720-CBST-02
E 720-CBST-03
E 720-CBST-04
E 720-CBST-05
E 720-CBST-06
E 720-CBST-07
E 720-CBST-08
E 720-CBST-09

Catch Basin Standard

Catch Basin Type A (eff. 09/02/08)
Catch Basin Type D (eff. 09/02/03)
Catch Basin Type E (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Catch Basin Type J (eff. 09/02/08)
Catch Basin Type K (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Catch Basin Pipe (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Catch Basin Type S (eff. 09/02/03)
Catch Basin Type W (eff. 09/02/03)
Catch Basin Hood (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)

E 720-CDSC

E 720-CDSC-01

Compatibility of Drainage Structures and Castings

Compatibility of Drainage Structures and Castings (eff. 09/01/06)

E 720-EDCA

E 720-EDCA-01

Earth Ditch Casting Type 7

Earth Ditch Casting Type 7 (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)

E 720-ICCA

E 720-ICCA-01
E 720-ICCA-02
E 720-ICCA-03
E 720-ICCA-04
E 720-ICCA-05
E 720-ICCA-06
E 720-ICCA-08
E 720-ICCA-09
E 720-ICCA-09A
E 720-ICCA-10
E 720-ICCA-11
E 720-ICCA-12
E 720-ICCA-13
E 720-ICCA-15
E 720-ICCA-16
E 720-ICCA-17
E 720-ICCA-18
E 720-ICCA-19

Inlet Curb Castings

Casting Type 5 Frame (eff. 09/04/01)
Casting Type 5 (Alternate) Bolted Frame (eff. 09/04/01)
Casting Type 5 (Alternate) Frame & Grate (eff. 09/04/01)
Casting Type 8 Frame (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Casting Type 8 Grate (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Casting Type 8 Curb Box (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Casting Type 10 Frame (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Casting Type 10 Grate (eff. 09/02/03)
Casting Type 10 Curb Box (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Casting Type 12 Frame & Grate (eff. 09/01/05)
Casting Type 12 (Alternate) Frame & Grate (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Steel Grating Type 12A Frame & Grate (eff. 09/01/05)
Casting Type 13 Frame & Grate (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Casting Type 14 Frame & Grate (eff. 09/02/03)
Casting Type 15 Frame (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Casting Type 15 Grate (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Casting Type 15 Curb Box (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Casting Type 15 (Alternate) Frame, Grate & Curb Box (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)

Revision Notes
E 720-INCA

E 720-INCA-01
E 720-INCA-02

Inlet Casting

Inlet Casting Type 6 (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Curb Inlet Casting Type 3 (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)

E 720-INST

E 720-INST-01
E 720-INST-02
E 720-INST-03
E 720-INST-04
E 720-INST-05
E 720-INST-05A
E 720-INST-05B
E 720-INST-05C
E 720-INST-05D
E 720-INST-06
E 720-INST-07
E 720-INST-08
E 720-INST-09
E 720-INST-10

Inlet Standard

Inlet Type A (eff. 09/02/08)
Inlet Type B & C (eff. 09/02/08)
Inlet Type D (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Inlet Type E & F (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Inlet Type G (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Inlet Type H (eff. 09/02/08)
Inlet Type H with Slotted Drain Pipe (rev. 09/01/18, editorial only)
Inlet Type HA Section B-B (eff. 03/03/03)
Inlet Type HA with Slotted Drain Pipe Plan View (rev. 09/01/18, editorial only)
Inlet Type J (eff. 09/02/08)
Inlet Type M & R (eff. 09/01/09)
Inlet Type N (eff. 09/01/05)
Inlet Type P (eff. 09/01/05)
Inlets Type S & T (eff. 09/02/03)

Revision Notes
E 720-MHCA

E 720-MHCA-01
E 720-MHCA-02
E 720-MHCA-03

Manhole Casting

Flat Top Grate Casting Type 2 (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Manhole Casting Type 4 Ring & Cover (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Manhole Casting Type 4 Alternate Cover (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)

E 720-MHST

E 720-MHST-01
E 720-MHST-02
E 720-MHST-03
E 720-MHST-04
E 720-MHST-05
E 720-MHST-06
E 720-MHST-07
E 720-MHST-08
E 720-MHST-09
E 720-MHST-10

Manhole Standard

Manhole Type A & B (eff. 09/02/03)
Manhole Type C (rev. 11/15/99, format udpate only)
Drop Manhole Type C (eff. 09/02/03)
Manhole Type D, E, F, & G (eff. 09/02/03)
Manhole Type H, J, K, L, M, & N (eff. 09/01/06)
Precast Concrete Manhole Sections (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Precast Manhole Bottom Section (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Manhole Bars & Concentric Cone (eff. 09/02/03)
Manhole Step (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Table of Reinforcing Steel for Manholes (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)

E 720-SDCP

E 720-SDCP-01
E 720-SDCP-02
E 720-SDCP-03

Slotted Drain Cleanout Port

Slotted Drain Pipe Cleanout Port (eff. 03/03/03)
Casting Type I Frame & Grate (eff. 03/03/03)
Casting Type II Frame & Grate (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)

E 722-HMAW

E 722-HMAW-01

HMA Wedge

HMA Pavement Wedge at R.C. Bridge Approach (eff. 09/04/07)

E 723-CCSP

E 723-CCSP-01
E 723-CCSP-02
E 723-CCSP-03
E 723-CCSP-04
E 723-CCSP-05
E 723-CCSP-06

Concrete Three-Sided Structure Scour Protection

10’-0” ≤ Span Width < 20’-0” (eff. 09/01/11)
Section, 10’-0” ≤ Span Width < 20’-0” (eff. 09/01/11)
Plan, Span Width ≥ 20’-0” (eff. 09/01/11)
Section, Span Width ≥ 20’-0” (eff. 09/01/11)
Plan, Base-Slab Method (eff. 09/01/11)
Section, Base-Slab Method (eff. 09/01/11)

E 724-BJTS

E 724-BJTS-01

Bridge Joints

Expansion Joint (eff. 09/04/12)

Revision Notes
E 724-BSSJ

E 724-BSSJ-01
E 724-BSSJ-02
E 724-BSSJ-03
E 724-BSSJ-04
E 724-BSSJ-04A
E 724-BSSJ-05
E 724-BSSJ-06
E 724-BSSJ-07
E 724-BSSJ-08
E 724-BSSJ-09

Bridge Strip Seal Joints

Expansion Joint Class SS (Alternate A) (eff. 09/02/03)
Expansion Joint Class SS (Alternate B) (eff. 09/02/03)
Expansion Joint Class SS (Alternate C) (eff. 09/02/03)
Expansion Joint Class SS Joint-Setting Information (edit. 09/01/20)
Expansion Joint Class SS (Alternate D) (eff. 09/02/03)
Expansion Joint Class SS Sidewalk, Sections (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Expansion Joint Class SS Sidewalk, Sections (eff. 03/01/05)
Expansion Joint Class SS Sidewalk, Sections (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)
Expansion Joint Class SS Sidewalk, Sections (eff. 09/02/03)
Expansion Joint Class SS General Notes (rev. 11/15/99, format update only)

Revision Notes
E 726-BEBP

E 726-BEBP-01
E 726-BEBP-02
E 726-BEBP-03
E 726-BEBP-04
E 726-BEBP-05

Bridge Elastomeric Bearing Pads

Type 1 to 7 for Prestressed I-Beams & Box Beams (eff. 09/01/09)
Type T-1 to T-4 for Prestressed Bulb-Tee Beams (eff. 09/01/09)
Type TH1 - TH4 for Prestress Wide-Flange Bulb-Tee Beams (new 09/04/12, RPD 726-B-194d)
Type S for Steel Beams (rev. 09/04/012)
Type S Table of Dimensions (rev. 09/04/12)

Revision Notes
E 731-MSEW

E 731-MSEW-01
E 731-MSEW-02
E 731-MSEW-03

MSE Wall (prev. E 731-BRRW)

Precast Concrete Coping (rev. 09/03/13)
Cast-In-Place Concrete Coping (rev. 09/04/12)
Cast-In-Place Concrete Coping with Pedestrian Fence (new 09/04/12)

Revision Notes

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