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Indiana Bicentennial Celebration 2016

Legacy Projects > Pioneer Days at Eastern Greene Elementary Pioneer Days at Eastern Greene Elementary

At Eastern Greene Elementary School, fourth grade students wrote essays about how they have celebrated the Bicentennial and what they love about Indiana. One class took the project a step further by cutting their essay into the shape of Indiana.

Q&A with Legacy Project Coordinator Mandy Buskirk

What do you consider the key acocmplishment of your Legacy Project?

  • The students took a step back into time to learn about life as a pioneer. They put down all their technology and enjoyed learning about life in early Indiana.

Describe a highlight or most memorable moment related to your Legacy Project.

  • The students were able to make their own candles. They started with a wick and took turns dipping the candle into the wax until they had a full sized candle. Then they made candle holders out of pieces of a birch limb. (A man in our community drilled out the holes for the students to create candle holders.) They then decorated the candle holders with garland and poinsettias to create a beautiful and memorable gift for their parents.

How/where are you preserving information and artifacts related to your Legacy Project?

  • We have a Bicentennial Wall in our school. We started the year with a mural of places in Indiana. We have added pictures, postcards, and brochures to the wall. Now we are adding our Legacy Projects with pictures, info, and the seal to our Bicentennial Wall. We are also in the process of creating a page on our school website.

Total number of volunteers who participated.

  • 7

Estimated total attendance.

  • 95

Estimated dollar amount spent.

  • $30

Committee Members

  • Eva Sullivan
  • Mandy Buskirk
  • Martha Marmouze
  • Judy Milnes

Project Details