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OALP Jurisdiction

The following state agencies use a separate review processes for administrative decisions. Contact the agency below for specific procedures.

  • Alcohol and Tobacco Commission
  • Department of Administration
  • Department of Financial Institutions
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Ethics Commission
  • Indiana Law Enforcement Academy
  • Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission
  • Unemployment Insurance Review Board
  • Worker’s Compensation Board
  • Department of Revenue
  • Department of Local Government Finance
  • Board of Tax Review
  • Natural Resources Commission
  • Indiana Education Employment Relations Board
  • State Employees Appeals Commission

Below is an informational table displaying those agencies subject to OALP jurisdiction.

Each agency follows its own unique statutes, rules, and regulations associated with the type of administrative case being heard. You may use the following links to assist your research:

SPECIAL NOTICE: H.E.A. ___ modified which agency serves as the ultimate authority on administrative matters.
For administrative matters that began on or before June 30, 2024, those matters will be sent to the ultimate authority designated during the timeframe that the case was initiated.

AgencyType of CasesUltimate AuthorityLinks and Resources
Bureau of Motor Vehicles
  • Driver’s License Suspensions Due to Fraudulent Activity, an Out of State Conviction, or Excessive Points
  • Hardship Waivers
  • Driver Education Licenses
  • Salvage Titles
  • Violations of the Driver License Compact
  • Revocation or Invalidation of a License for Medical Reasons
  • Personalized License Plates

Matters beginning on and before June 30, 2024: BMV Commissioner

Matters on and after July 1, 2024: OALP

BMV Homepage -
Criminal Justice Institute
  • Victims Compensation Fund Application and Exoneration Fund Application
OALP CJI Homepage -
Department of Child Services
  • Child Protection Index Allegations
  • Foster Home Licenses
  • Adoption and Guardianship Assistance
  • Child Support
  • Contract Rate Disputes
  • Collaborative Care Program

Matters beginning on and before June 30, 2024: DCS ultimate authority for all case types.

Matters beginning on and after July 1, 2024:
OALP is ultimate authority for: child support, collaborative care program, and Child Protection Index (CPI) allegations

DCS is ultimate authority for: Title IV- E cases, including foster home licenses, adoption and guardian assistance, contract rate disputes

If a case is related to IV-E funds but also includes issues related to a state funded benefit under the Indiana Adoption Program, the entire case (IV-E and state claims) will be reviewed by DCS UA.

DCS Homepage -

DCS Polices -

Notice of Processes for DCS Proceedings -

Department of Education
  • Child and Adult Care Food Program
  • Summer Lunch Program
  • Teacher’s Licenses
OALP DOE Homepage -
Department of Environmental Management (IDEM)
  • Air pollution Control
  • Water Pollution Control
  • Environmental Management
  • Solid Waste Management
  • Hazardous Waste Management
  • Board rules described in IC 13-14-9-1 or IC 13-23-11-1
Department of Homeland Security
  • Emergency Medical Personnel Licenses
  • Firefighting Certifications
  • Individual or Public Assistance Fund
  • Construction Design Releases and Sanctions
  • Statewide Fire and Building Safety Education Fund
  • Third Party Inspection
  • Industrialized Building System Design Releases and Sanctions
  • Variance Sanctions
  • Sanctions Regarding Seal of Acceptance by Third Party Inspection Agencies
  • Design Releases
  • Duplication of State Rules
  • Local Design Releases
  • Amusement Device Inspection Seals
  • Firefighting and Emergency Equipment Revolving Loan Fund
  • Boiler or Pressure Vessel Use
OALP DHS Homepage –
Department of Insurance
  • Insurance Carrier Licenses, Violations and Penalties
  • Domestic Insurer Exemptions
  • Suspensions of Alien or Foreign Company Authority
OALP DOI Homepage -
Department of Labor
  • Safety Orders
  • Failures to Correct Violations
  • Modifications of Abatement
  • Right to Work
  • Summary Suspensions
Pending Board of Safety Review meeting DOL Homepage -
Department of Veteran’s Affairs
  • Tuition and Fee Exemptions for Children of Veterans
  • Military Family Relief Fund
  • Veteran Service Grant
OALP DVA Homepage -
Family and Social Services Administration
  • Medicaid – Pharmacy Audits, surveillance and Utilization Review Audit, and Provider Program Eligibility
  • Rate Determination
  • Termination and Payment Suspension
  • Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services – Community
  • Integration Habilitation Waiver and Eligibility
  • Intermediate Care Facilities
  • Budget Modification Requests by Providers
  • Division of Mental Health and Addiction – Licensing
  • Transfer to a More Restrictive Environment
  • Outpatient Revocation
  • Division of Aging - Residential Care Assistance Program
  • Eligibility
  • Medicaid
  • SNAP
  • TANF
  • Licensing for Child Care Homes and Centers
  • Tax Intercept
  • Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Pre-Admission Screening (PAS/PASRR)
  • Prior Authorization appeals - whether filed by the patient or provider
  • All FSSA Waiver appeals
  • CCDF (Child Care Development Fund) appeals
  • Right Choices Program / Restricted Card
  • Behavioral and Primary Healthcare Coordination (BPHC) /DMHA Denial Notification
  • MA 4 (IV-E Foster Care) or MA 8 (IV-Adoption Assistance)
  • Medically Frail status
  • HIP co-payments and/or cost sharing
  • Gateway to Work (GTW) referral status
  • EBT Adjustment disputes

Matters beginning on and before June 30, 2024: FSSA is ultimate authority for all case types.

Matters beginning on and after July 1, 2024:
OALP is ultimate authority for: All SNAP cases types, all TANF case types, all Office of Early Childhood and Out of School Learning (i.e. CCH, CC, CCDF), and Medicaid provider cases.

FSSA is ultimate authority for: All other case types, including all Medicaid member and Vocational Rehabilitation cases.

FSSA Homepage -
Horse Racing Commission
  • Horse Racing Personnel Licenses
  • Sanctions and Disciplinary Actions
  • Summary Suspensions
  • Satellite Facility License

HRC Homepage –

HRC Rules -

Indiana Civil Rights Commission
  • Employment Discrimination
  • Equal Access to Housing for People with Disabilities
  • Emotional Support Animals in Housing
  • Access to Public Accommodation
  • Employment Opportunities
OALP ICRC Homepage -
Indiana State Department of Toxicology
  • Ignition Interlock Device Model Certifications
  • Testing Orders
  • Temporary Orders
OALP ISDT Homepage -
Indiana Department of Transportation
  • Relocation of Utility Facilities
  • Final Utility Work Plans
  • Construction of Rail-Highway Grade Crossing
  • Railroad Clearance Distances
  • Sign Permits and Nuisances
  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program Certificates
  • Highway Permits


INDOT Commissioner shall provide a hearing and is ultimate authority for: Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) cases

INDOT Homepage -
Indiana Gaming Commission
  • Ejection or exclusion of a Person from a Gaming Facility
  • Gaming Operation and Personnel Licenses
  • Rehabilitation Waivers
  • Revocations on behalf of the Department of Revenue or Alcohol and Tobacco Commission
  • Trustee Gambling Operation Licenses
  • Boxing Licenses
  • Boxing Operation Licenses
  • Summary Suspensions
  • Seizure of a Gambling Device
  • Charity Game License
  • Fantasy Sport Licenses

IGC Homepage -

IGC Statutes and Rules -

Indiana Grain Buyers and Warehouse Licensing Agency
  • Cease and Desist Actions
  • Grain Buyer or Grain Warehouse Licenses
  • Temporary Actions
  • Approval of Claims Against Licensee Actions
OALP IGBWLA Homepage -
Indiana Department of Health
  • Certified Nurse Aid Licenses and Sanctions
  • Involuntary Transfers
  • Abortion Clinic Enforcement Action
  • Children with Special Health Care Needs Program
  • Mobile Home Community or Campground Public Health Actions
  • Home Health Agency and Aide Actions
  • Health Facility Licenses
  • WIC Establishment License
  • HIV Medical Services
  • Hospital or Ambulatory Outpatient Surgical Center Licenses
  • Lead-Based Contractor Licenses
  • Infectious Waste Violations
  • Universal Precautions Violations
  • Food Safety at Food Establishment Actions
  • Radiological Technician Licenses and Actions
OALP Indiana Department of Health's Homepage -
Indiana State Police
  • Firearms Licenses
OALP ISP Homepage -
Office of Community and Rural Affairs
  • Debarment of a Person from participating in OCRA Programs
OALP OCRA Homepage -
Secretary of State
  • Automobile Dealer Licenses and Sanctions
  • Continuing Care Retirement Facility Registrations
  • Franchise Exemptions
  • Collection Agency Licenses
  • Loan Broker Licenses
  • Sanctions and Violations
  • General Securities Violations
  • Summary Suspensions
OALP SOS Homepage -
State Board of Education
  • School Grading (A-F)
  • Choice Scholarship Waivers
  • Charter Grants
  • School Accreditation
OALP SBOE Homepage -
Treasurer of State
  • Indiana State Police Pension Trust
OALP TOS Homepage -