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Child Welfare Policies

The information provided in this manual is intended for the use and convenience of staff and interested persons. References contained in DCS policies that pertain to other state policies, Indiana Administrative Code (IAC), Indiana Code (IC), and/or Federal Law should not be considered a substitute for the actual documents or legal counsel.

Questions or comments on individual policies should be directed to your local supervisor, work unit manager, or Please contact our webmaster if you have any problems using the site.

Policies implemented via admin letters

Indiana Child Welfare Policy Manual  

Search our full policy manual using ctrl+f. The full searchable manual was last updated on 11/27/24: Indiana Child Welfare Policy Manual

The DCS policy team is in the process of converting each child welfare policy to a new template to better align with the DCS mission, vision, and practice model. During this conversion process, the format of the policies may differ as policies are developed or revised.

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