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Noble County Clerk's Office

Tammy Bremer

Clerk of the Noble County Courts

113 West Jefferson Street
Albion, Indiana  46701


Phone: 260-636-2736
Fax: 260-636-4000


Hours: 8:00am – 4:00pm  Monday thru Friday

Closed Holidays

Court Costs and Filing Fees
Sheriff Service Fee $28.00


As of July 1, 2021 certified documents are $3 per copy

Payment Info:

  • No Personal Checks Accepted For Any Transactions


  • Cash, Money Orders or
  • MasterCard & Visa Credit/Debit Cards


  • TRAFFIC TICKETS (must have ticket or cause # and dollar amount owed)

* PayGov Service Fee Will Be Applied

Child Support

How can you pay your child support?

You can send a check or money order to:

  • Indiana State Central Collection Unit (INSCCU)
    PO Box 7130
    Indianapolis, IN  46207-7130
    (Please include your ISETS number and custodial party name)

State Helpline 1-800-840-8757 or

You can pay by credit or debit card at:

Online Child Support Payments by credit/debit effective 9/22/11. There is a convenience fee of 2.25%

Marriage License

Apply for Marriage License

Start your application online.  You may enter your personal information on your computer to save time at the Clerk's office.  For more detailed information see below under Marriage License.

Starting July 1, 2021, the fee is $25.00 for Indiana residents and $65.00 for out of county residents.  At least one party must reside in Noble County or both live out of state to apply. Both parties must appear together to complete application in our office.  Please be here no later than 3:30pm.  Required documents: must have a Valid Driver’s License or Birth Certificate.  If not an U.S. Citizen, you must have a birth certificate translated into English.  Application is good for 60 days.  We do not perform marriage ceremonies.  Applicants under 18 years old, please contact our office.


Effective October 1, 2009, applications are NO longer accepted through our office.  Agencies in the area are: Post Offices in Auburn, Columbia City, Kendallville, Goshen, and Syracuse; DeKalb and Kosciusko County Clerks; and USPS Passport Agent - Fort Wayne. Visit this website for detailed information.

Small Claims

Effective January 1, 2022: Filing fees are $97.00  + $10.00 for each additional defendant and if serving by Sheriff add $28.00 for Sheriff Service Fee, all fees due at time of filing.  Claim limit is $10,000.00 for individuals and $6000.00 for business without an attorney.  The Defendant or the transaction must be in Noble County and you MUST have a good address or a place of employment for the defendant.  Hearing dates are on Tuesdays in Superior Court Division 2.

Claim forms available online:

Traffic Tickets

Are to be paid by money order or cash only, by the court date listed on bottom of ticket. To deny the ticket you must call in for a court date before the appearance date located on bottom of ticket. Download Traffic Fine Schedule, with attached instructions. Credit/Debit Card payments for Traffic Tickets or Court Costs and Fines.

Deferred Prosecution information, call the Prosecutor's Office 260-636-2193 or visit their web site here.

Traffic Fine Schedule

Self Service Legal Center

Court forms available on the Indiana web site here.

Forms Packages for:

Indiana Legal Services Inc.

Free legal information and a legal aid directory for low-income Hoosiers here.


Voter Registration Click here for more info

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Election Information