Troop and Family Resources
Maintaining a ready and resilient community-based force means the Indiana National Guard must provide a range of services specifically for our soldiers and airmen so they and their families can navigate the many aspects of their Guard service, from obtaining that first ID card to transitioning back to civilian life after deployment.
Provides support to soldiers, military families, veterans and members of any branch of service for a full range of situations and problems that may arise during service or deployment
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Soldier and Family Readiness Center
Achieve your educational goals and secure a better future with federal and state tuition assistance, GI Bill, education counseling and testing
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Education Services
You’re a part of the team. Learn more about the benefits of National Guard membership and why you should stay
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Incentives and Retention
DA Photo, DEERS and ID Cards, DL classrooms, funeral honors, transition and reintegration
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Services and Resources
If you have a DOD common access card (CAC) you can schedule these classrooms for individual and collective training, structured classes, professional development, command and control meetings and more
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Distributed Learning Classrooms
Enrichment and support activities for the children of Guardsmen ages 6-17
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Youth Program
Office of the Inspector General
Provides investigative assistance to commanders, service members and their families to enhance discipline and increase readiness
Office of the Staff Judge Advocate
Serves as the legal adviser to the command and provides trial defense and free legal assistance services to Indiana Guardsmen
Office of the State Surgeon | TRICARE
TRICARE serves National Guard and family members with access to health care, pharmacy and dental through military and civilian hospitals and clinics
Indiana Outreach and Employment
Assists service members, veterans and their dependents with all phases of a job search
Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve
Educates employers about applicable laws covering National Guard employees to promote supportive work environments for service members
Equal Opportunity Office
Helps foster respect, growth and human dignity by providing equal opportunity for all employees and applicants for employment
Quick Links
- Army Benefits Center
- Army National Guard Enlisted/Officer Record Brief (ERB/ORB)
- Army National Guard Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss (eFLIPL)
- Army National Guard Resource Management (RM) Online
- Army Publishing Directorate
- Army Training Requirements (ATRRS)
- Automated Time Attendance and Productions System (ATAAPS)
- Defense Travel System (DTS)
- Distributive Learning Reporting and Scheduling System (DLRS-T)
- Evaluation Entry System (EES)
- Full Time Support Management Control System (FTSMCS)
- General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS)
Quick Links - CAC*
- Global Combat Support System-Army (CGSS-Army)
- Global Electronic Approval Routing System (GEARS) Use DOD Email CAC Certificate
- Government Travel Card
- Guard Knowledge Online (GKO)
- Integrated Personnel and Pay System (IPPS-A) (DS Logon)
- Interactive Personnel Electronic Records Management (iPerms)
- Interactive Personnel Electronic Records Management (iPerms) (Store and Forward)
- MilConnect (Enterprise Mail Information Update)
- U.S. Bank Access Online
- Visual Information Ordering Site
- Wide Area Workflow (WAWF)
*Restricted to holders of a Common Access Card (CAC)