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Indiana Guard Reserve

Indiana Guard Reserve

Hoosier Serving Hoosiers

Indiana Guard Reserve Crest The Indiana Guard Reserve (IGR) is the State Defense Force for the state of Indiana. The purpose of the IGR is to augment the National Guard during emergencies within the state, especially when some or all of the National Guard is deployed.

All-volunteer force

The IGR is an all-volunteer military force which reports directly to the State Adjutant General and is under the command of the Governor of Indiana through the 81st Troop Command. Members have regular civilian careers and meet for drills one day per month unless activated by the Governor during an emergency. When not volunteering, IGR soldiers are students and teachers, attorneys, police officers and everything in between.

unit receiving instruction while at parade rest
IGR Soldier in the field

Give back to your community

Many IGR members are retired members of the National Guard and other military services. However, military experience is not a prerequisite. Service in the IGR is a way for members to “give back” to their neighbors while experiencing military commitment and camaraderie on missions just for Hoosiers.

Our missions

In recent years, Guard Reservists sorted and distributed medical supplies during the COVID-19 pandemic, provided security at a major hospital after flooding, aided in storm damage assessment, searched for missing persons, and more. Guard Reservists also provide security and logistical help at events such as the Indianapolis 500 Festival Mini-marathon and Memorial Service.

IGR Soldier moving boxes
IGR Soldier giving the thumbs up signal

We want YOU

Join hundreds of Hoosiers who are committed to protecting the people of Indiana in an emergency. Work alongside your friends and family who are giving their time and expertise to help our communities.



Col. Wil Smith

Col. Wil Smith

IGR Commander

Command Sgt. Maj. Charles Brown

Cmd. Sgt. Maj. Charles Brown

IGR Command Sergeant Major

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