Welcome to the Buckle Up Phone Down branding toolkit, your one-stop resource for promoting safe driving practices and the BUPD movement within your organization or business. By utilizing these assets, you can amplify the message of buckling up and putting down the phone while driving, helping to create a safer environment for everyone on the road.
Incorporate our campaign logo into your promotional materials, utilize our social media graphics, and/or use our newsletter template to spread the word to employees, customers, and stakeholders. Encourage them to take the pledge to buckle up and put down their phones on every trip, every time. Together, let's make Buckle Up Phone Down more than just a campaign – let's make it a movement. With your help, we can make a significant impact on road safety in Indiana and beyond.
For our full branding guide, including fonts, colors, and proper logo usage, click here.
The primary logo is the arrows with a NAVY Indiana. Alternatively, the WHITE Indiana can be used on dark backgrounds.
The secondary logo is the thumbs with NAVY Indiana. Alternatively, the white Indiana can be used on dark backgrounds.
Finally, the logos without Indiana should be used sparingly, if at all.
For any questions or more information regarding the Buckle Up Phone Down movement in Indiana, email indotcommunications@indot.in.gov.