New U.S. 27 Bridge is Complete
Renew Richmond is your one stop to learn more about Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) road projects underway or planned for Wayne County.
- Construction on the U.S. 27 bridge replacement project started in spring 2023 and is now substantially complete. Learn more below.
- Revive I-70 includes improvements for 20+ miles of I-70 in Wayne County. Learn more below.
Anticipated construction schedules are subject to change based on contractor and material availability.
U.S. 27 Bridge Replacement
The new U.S. 27 bridge over Norfolk Southern Railroad and local streets in Richmond opened to traffic in January 2025.
The project addressed safety issues with pier columns in busy downtown streets and included improvements to pedestrian facilities to be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The new U.S. 27 bridge is a key connector for Richmond and specifically for the Depot District,” said Richmond Mayor Oler. “I’m proud of the growth and vitality of this important neighborhood. And I want to express our deepest appreciation for INDOT’s commitment to Renew Richmond and the development of the new bridge. Together, we are enhancing connections that are helping us create a better, more vibrant, and stronger Richmond.”
Work on the new, seven-span bridge started in spring 2023. The work included the long-term closure of U.S. 27 from North D Street to North G Street and the closure of Fort Wayne Avenue from North 8th Street to North F Street (north of the railroad tracks). Access was maintained to local businesses and all long-term closures ended when the bridge opened to traffic.
“INDOT is proud to be a part of helping to Renew Richmond,” said INDOT District Deputy Commissioner Valerie Cockrum. “We have built a better and stronger U.S. 27 bridge – a bridge that serves as the main north-south route for the area. And the added aesthetics with the city signage and the Richmond star create a signature backdrop for a growing downtown.”
All roadway and sidewalk work on the project is complete. Final punch list and aesthetic items will continue into the spring including painting the outside of the steel beams and staining the stars on the bridge railing.
March 2023 | Public Information Meeting Documents
Revive I-70
Revive I-70 will improve I-70 in Wayne County from west of Cambridge City to the Indiana/Ohio state line. The project is expected to reduce congestion, improve traffic flow and improve safety along the 20+ mile corridor. Visit Revive I-70 to learn more.
Because of the size of the corridor and scope of improvements, the project is being divided into three contracts for project delivery.
Contract 1 extends from west of US 35 to the Ohio state line with construction expected to begin in early 2025. It includes added travel lanes, interchange modifications at US 35 and US 40, and other improvements.I-70 will remain open to traffic during construction, with two lanes open in each direction most of the time. Some ramp closures are expected, and advance notice will be provided.
Contract 2 extends from west of SR 1 to west of Centerville with construction expected to begin in fall 2025. It includes pavement rehabilitation and bridge improvements.
Contract 3 is the center portion of the project and extends from west of Centerville to US 35. improvements are still being identified with interested contractors expected to submit bids on the project in 2027.
Project Coordination
INDOT is completing hundreds of millions of dollars in infrastructure improvements in Wayne County.
INDOT coordinates its construction program with city and county projects to maximize the service life and good condition of its pavement and bridges. INDOT also works to minimize traffic delays and detours while keeping projects moving forward.
Stay in Touch
- Sign up for text message and email updates for Wayne County and other counties within INDOT’s East Central (Greenfield) District.
- Follow INDOT East Central on Facebook and X.
- For questions or comments about projects in the Richmond area, contact INDOT’s Next Level customer service team by using the web form at, calling 855-INDOT4U (1-855-463-6848) or via email at
- How will INDOT projects improve efficiency?
Design improvements will increase the capacity of highways in Wayne County, allowing for more efficient traffic flow and reduce backups during peak travel times. Improvement will strengthen regional connectivity and the mobility of people and goods in the area.
- How will INDOT projects improve safety?
INDOT projects will analyze traffic and crash data and be designed to the latest safety standards, including non-motorized enhancements compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Rehabilitation and replacement projects will improve the safety and longevity of aging state roads and bridges, minimizing potholes and the need for future repairs.
- How will INDOT projects advance Richmond and Wayne County?
The infrastructure improvements are expected to help transform the Richmond central business district and position Wayne County for future economic development and growth.