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Important COVID-19 Information

If in the past 14 days since the first onset of symptoms, you have a history of either/or:

  1. Travel to China or any other country that has been placed on a level 2 or 3 travel advisory by the CDC
  2. Have had close contact with a person known to have, confirmed by lab testing, 2019-nCoV illness AND have a fever and/or symptoms of lower respiratory illness (e.g., cough or shortness of breath) AND need to be seen by a medical professional PLEASE call the office, walk-in clinic, or emergency department PRIOR to arriving if at all possible.
  3. IF you meet the criteria above but your symptoms are NOT severe enough to see a medical professional. PLEASE call our Health Department at (765) 524-7054

For the most up to date information on this situation please visit the CDC site at

For the most up to date information on this situation for Indiana please visit ISDH at