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FAQs (State Knowledge Base)

The State Online Knowledgebase (FAQs) has been hosted on the state website since 2006 and are posted on every agency website in the right navigation under online services. The FAQs are managed by the Program, a division of the Office of Technology, and the State Information Center, a division of the Department of Administration. To date, 94 agencies or commissions have entered 1,992 FAQs.

FAQs views continue to increase; in 2015 there were more than 2.2 million interactions with FAQs.

FAQs are a quick, easy way for citizens and customers to find information about your agency and they are heavily used.

Updating or developing new FAQs is an easy process. First, download and complete the template here: FAQs Word Document Template. Next, go to and complete the form. The information will be sent to the State Information Center, which manages the FAQs. The form can also be used to delete a question that is no longer applicable.

How can I view our existing FAQs?

Go to, scroll down to the footer, and under Quick Information, click on FAQs:

You can then select the category your agency is in or use the search bar and type in your agency name.