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Health Care Providers

Nurses, doctors, caseworkers and other professionals in the health and medical field are on the front lines in the battle to reduce infant mortality in Indiana. How can you help?

Start the conversation

While it’s important to talk to your patients and clients about their medical and wellness needs, it’s just as important to listen. Hearing their fears, struggles, frustrations and hopes can help you craft a plan for the needs of the parents and the baby.

Determine their level of understanding

Oftentimes expectant or new parents are overwhelmed with advice from friends and family, which may or may not be accurate. Never assume what they may know and don’t hesitate to go over the basics with them. Even experienced parents can benefit from reminders and refreshers.

Identify their needs

The State of Indiana offers many resources for new and expectant parents to utilize. Familiarize yourself with the supportive programs and services available and begin to understand where your patients may need the most assistance or direction.

For more information and referral services call the MCH MOMS Helpline at 1-844-MCH-MOMS (1-844-624-6667).

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