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Fire Training

Fire Training


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PFAS blood testing pilot program interest form now available

Current or former Indiana firefighters interested in participating in the PFAS blood testing pilot program can now indicate their interest through a form available on the PFAS Testing Pilot Program page. The deadline to apply is Aug. 9, 2024.

The program will not only help individual firefighters learn the amount of PFAS in their blood, but also it will provide insights, at a high level, of PFAS exposure in the Indiana fire service.

PFAS blood testing

Fire training facility of multiple stories
Fire training facility of multiple stories
NextLevel Firefighting: Five new training locations announced

Gov. Eric J. Holcomb and State Fire Marshal Steve Jones joined local firefighters in Wabash on June 18 to announce the next phase of the Hub-and-Spoke Training plan: five new training-tower locations in eastern and southern Indiana. These sites continue the expansion of state-sponsored locations to help eliminate "training deserts" across Indiana.

NextLevel Firefighting

Four-part video series on first responder mental health

First responder mental health is a rising topic across the state. State Fire Marshal Steve Jones joins a panel of leaders in the Indiana fire service to promote the importance of mental health and actively try to sway the stigma surrounding getting help when needed.

Mental health video series

About the Academy

Map of Indiana counties with color-coded districts with numbers and people's contact info
Academy Field Operations Staff (click for contacts)

Map of Indiana counties with color-coded districts with numbers and people's contact info
Academy Field Operations Staff (click for contacts)

The Indiana Fire and Public Safety Academy is an education and training subdivision of the Division of Fire and Building Safety.

The Academy has two subsections: (1) Public Safety and (2) Fire Training and Certifications. The Fire Training and Certifications staff establishes inspection training requirements for members of volunteer fire companies and certifies individuals who meet those requirements.

They also collaborate with public safety boards and commissions in the state to establish criteria for certification and credentialing of public safety personnel.

Upcoming Training Courses and Events Find Us On Facebook

View full IDHS calendar

Note: Not all events on the IDHS calendar are organized, hosted or sponsored by IDHS or other state agencies. Some events are included for informational purposes as events that the public or first responders may find beneficial.

Training Flyers

The Academy provides training and certifications to help fire and public safety personnel carry out their duties safely and effectively. Full course information and registration for state-sponsored courses is available on the Acadis Portal, but flyers for some of the Academy's training events and courses are available now for easy sharing via the Educational Opportunities page.

Flyers for non-state-sponsored educational opportunities, such as open classes organized and hosted by local fire departments, may be shared on the Educational Opportunities page as well. Visit the page to learn how to submit them.

View Educational Opportunities

Fire Certifications and Training

  • PSID Numbers

    Public Safety Identification (PSID) Numbers and Certification Verification

  • Course Registration and Information

    For questions or requests during regular business hours, please email or call 1-800-666-7784. If needing immediate help with fire certifications after hours, please call the district's field program manager.

    Course Registration Find Us On Facebook

    Note to Ivy Tech students: Ivy Tech students need to contact their training entity to request a test ID 15 days prior to going to Ivy Tech to take an exam. Contact Ivy Tech directly to find out when testing labs will be open.

    Instructor's Corner

    All course training materials are now located in the Acadis Portal. Instructor materials are available in both instructors' Acadis Portal and IFSTA ResourceOne. See the Instructor Material and ResourceOne Access Guide for details.

    Instructor Material and ResourceOne Access Guide

    For questions, please email

    Fire and Life Safety Educator Program Curriculum

    The Academy is pleased to announce further progress in updating the curriculum used for State of Indiana certification. The latest update is to Fire and Life Safety Educator, as it pertains to Fire and Life Safety Educator I, II and III (FLSE I and II). Before this update, the program was based on the NFPA Standard 1035, 2010 Edition, with no book or standardized curriculum. The program will now be based on the NFPA Standard 1030, 2024 Edition, and use the IFSTA Fire and Life Safety Educator, 4th Edition, and IFSTA ResourceOne learning management system. The differences between the two standards mostly reflect a change in information technology. For example, whereas the old standard might mention "newspapers or print media" to accomplish a skill, the newer standard will refer to "social or digital media."

    Before this update, the State of Indiana had FLSE III in the board rules as a certification, but the Indiana Fire and Public Safety Academy did not have a curriculum or written test developed. Without the needed supporting certification material, the Academy has never offered this certification, but as part of this certification update, the Academy will have the ability to offer FLSE III as a state certification in Indiana. This update went live Dec. 29, 2023.

    Fire Investigator Certification

    Fire Investigator I was updated starting Aug. 14, 2023. Through adoption by the Board of Firefighting Personnel Standards and Education, this program has been updated to the 2022 edition of NFPA 1033, Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigator. It is intended for delivery to fire investigators, police officers, company-level officers and firefighters who are involved in the investigation process. The program primarily consists of instruction and practical exercises in the areas of cause and origin determination, report writing, scene processing, evidence handling and participation in practice courtroom testimonials. Topics on burn pattern recognition, point of origin, scene documentation, interviewing techniques and scene safety are addressed at length.

    The forms for the course, including the job performance requirements (JPRs), have been updated to match the new standard. The Academy is also moving away from the Jones and Bartlett textbook and moving to the IFSTA Fire Investigator, 3rd Edition. A new test has also been created based on the IFSTA Fire Investigator and was created in house by Indiana subject matter experts. The previous program was based on the 2009 edition of NFPA 1033, and much has changed since then. Credibility determinations of expert witnesses, scene methodologies, legal rulings and fire investigative science have changed greatly in the last 14 years, and so this update project was long overdue. One of the changes to note is that NFPA 1033 (4.1.7) now requires continuing education in the following areas: fire science, fire investigation, fire scene safety and building systems. These changes will add credibility to the Indiana program and will improve the overall quality of the Fire Investigator I certification.

    Driver/Operator Certification

    As a part of continuing efforts to modernize the curriculum and certification courses in Indiana, Driver/Operator changed on Sept. 1, 2023. This course is designed to train driver/operators with the knowledge and skills to meet the minimum job performance requirements as outlined in NFPA 1002. This course prepares individuals to assume responsibility as a fire apparatus operator. It also prepares them to understand the science of fluids at rest and in motion, and the physical relationships between water and the mechanisms for moving it to achieve desired fire flows.

    While the certification will still be based on NFPA 1002, Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications - 2017 Edition, the following changes are being made to the course: moving from the Jones and Bartlett textbook to the IFSTA Pumping and Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook, 3rd Edition, updated skill sheets and a new test validated to the IFSTA book. The updated forms are designed to provide a uniform and consistent look across all certification programs for ease of navigation. The Academy is expecting that this will make the planning and delivery of Driver/Operator classes much simpler.


    Apply for Free IFSTA eLibrary Subscriptions

    Fire departments now may apply for free IFSTA eLibrary subscriptions via Each user must have an IFSTA ResourceOne account to access these publications. ResourceOne accounts can be created via

    The Indiana Fire and Public Safety Academy is funding this initiative as a benefit to all Indiana firefighters. It allows access to all IFSTA manuals free of charge for agencies, which traditionally have not been able to afford purchasing education textbooks. Each firefighter will have an individual account with the most current editions available for viewing on both desktop and mobile devices.

    Note: This service is only for Indiana firefighters and fire departments. It does not apply to career centers, universities, colleges or for-profit training institutions.

    Questions regarding the IFSTA eLibrary should be directed to Shelly Elliott.

  • National Fire Academy

    National Fire Academy

    All applications for the National Fire Academy and the National Emergency Training Center should be completed online at the U.S. Fire Administration website.

    FEMA Student Identification Number
    • Required for all National Fire Academy course applications. Social Security numbers will not be accepted.
    • Visit FEMA SID to apply for your SID number.
  • Reports, Newsletters and Bulletins


    Newsletters and Bulletins

Get Alarmed logo
Get Alarmed logo

Get Alarmed Smoke Alarm Program

The IDHS Get Alarmed program works closely with service providers and fire departments to distribute smoke alarms to Indiana residents at no cost, thanks to a federal Fire Prevention and Safety Grant. For more information, visit the Get Alarmed page.


The Academy administers two state-funded grant programs to support public safety efforts, the Fire Training Infrastructure Grant and the Local Training Support Grant. Learn more about these grants

Hub-and-Spoke Firefighter Training

The Hub-and-Spoke Firefighter Training plan brings training closer for firefighters across the state while also adding consistency and quality control to basic firefighter training in Indiana. New training centers and gear for volunteer firefighters highlight this NextLevel Firefighting initiative. Read about the latest Hub-and-Spoke developments