The Department of Highway and Public Works provides maintenance for the County’s roads, bridges, stormwater, government facilities, and other infrastructure systems. The goal of the department is to strive to ensure safety and provide cost-effective maintenance of the existing systems.
Construction Projects
Numerous construction projects are planned or underway throughout Floyd County. The links below provide up-to-date information on these projects.
- Old Vincennes/Schreiber Road Intersection Improvement Plan
The Highway and Public Works Department is divided into the following divisions.
- Additional Problem Reporting
- Citizens can report a pothole or other road hazard by calling the Highway Dept. at 812.948.5466 or send an email to
- The Floyd County Building & Development serves as the clearinghouse for coordinating nuisance properties. Citizens can report a nuisance issue by email: or (812) 981-7611
- Citizens can report issues related to noise or sound complaints to the Floyd County Sheriff office (812) 948-5400
- Citizens requesting zoning property classification or other zoning, building and subdivision questions can call the Floyd County Building & Development at (812) 981-7611
- Floyd County Bids
For any questions or concerns with Bids, please contact Horacio Urieta, County Engineer and Director of Highway and Public Works
Bid Opportunities