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Emergency Management Agency

Floyd County - Emergency Management Agency LogoThe Floyd County Emergency Management Agency is responsible for strategic planning and organizational management of natural and man-made disasters occurring in Floyd County. Floyd County's Emergency Management Agency works closely with state and federal agencies such as FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security.

For more information please visit the Floyd County EMA Website

Floyd County's New Mass Notification System

Floyd County is now using Code Red for our Floyd County Alert Mass Notification System.

Code Red Alerts are now available to all residents, replacing the previous Everbridge Mass Notification system. Code Red is a free service that allows individuals to receive notifications sent from local authorities to stay informed on potentially hazardous situations involving weather, traffic, and other emergencies.

The switch to Code Red Alerts allows residents to receive alerts via phone, text, and email.

Individuals who were previously signed up for Everbridge will need to sign up again and update their information in the new platform to ensure accuracy.

Residents and travelers may sign up for free by clicking on the link below or by visiting in order to receive timely and actionable emergency alerts. You can also identify when and how they are alerted and communicated with before, during, and after emergencies.

Additionally, residents and visitors can text “Floyd” to 99411 to receive severe weather alerts from the National Weather Service and other emergency alerts from Floyd County Emergency Management. Residents and visitors can also download the Code Red App, create a profile, and subscribe to other alerting lists in the county.

Please view the Community Notification Enrollment

Download the Code Red Emergency Notification App

You may choose to download the Code Red App from the App Store or Google Play to receive notifications directly to your mobile device whether at home, on the road, or traveling around the country. We will be having a performance test on February 7th, 2022 at 10:00 am to test the system before it goes live on March 15th, 2022.

Download the Emergency Notification App

This service allows you to opt-in to receive notifications via phone calls, text messaging, e-mail, and more based on locations you care about. You can choose to receive notifications about events that may affect your home, workplace, and more.

Locate Important Documents to Prepare for Severe Weather

The Indiana Department of Homeland Security advises Hoosiers to locate important documents before disaster strikes. Having access to these documents can expedite the recovery process.

According to a 2013 survey of Hoosiers, more than half of Indiana households who responded did not have important and hard-to-replace documents safely stored and had not included copies of them as part of a preparedness kit in the event of a disaster or emergency. It is helpful to have these documents organized and safely stored regardless, and now can be a good time to set a goal of gathering these documents as part of tax preparation.

“Having important financial and other documents organized in a safe place can be very helpful in the event of an emergency,” said IDHS Senior Public Information Officer John Erickson. “We also encourage Hoosiers to have copies of important and hard-to-replace documents in a ‘grab-and-go’ box or folder should it become necessary to quickly evacuate their home. The November tornadoes are an example of the importance of having vital documents stored properly.”

Below is a list of important and often hard-to-replace documents to consider making copies of so they can be taken along in the event of an evacuation. Erickson says a binder, expandable file, or box is fine, as long as it’s portable and to remember that most of these documents will be copies. He adds to always be sure to store originals in a secure, dry place like a fire safe or lockbox. Having important information in one place is invaluable, whether or not there is an emergency.

IDHS suggests gathering and copying:

  • Vital records: birth certificates; marriage licenses; passports; adoption records; property and auto records (deeds, titles, leases); insurance policies (auto, home, renter’s, umbrella policies)
  • Document locator: tells others where originals are stored
  • Financial information: list of all bank account numbers; copies of the front and back of each credit card; list of all retirement, pension, and investment account numbers; mortgage and loan information; payroll and benefit information
  • Medical information: copies of health, life, and disability insurance cards and policies; a medical history of each family member; list of medications and prescriptions, including dose and pharmacy; details about any ongoing treatments or conditions
  • Contacts: contact information for friends and extended family members; neighbors who have access to your home; physicians and specialists; financial advisors or bankers; employer and benefits administrators; legal advisor

Office Staff

Kent Barrow


Jason Mauch

Deputy Director

Tamara Markland

EMA Administrator

Contact Information

Office Location
Pine View Government Center
2524 Corydon Pike, Suite 101
New Albany, IN 47150
Phone: (812) 948-5454
Fax: (812) 948-5453
Floyd County Sheriff: (812) 948-5400
Office Hours: Monday-Friday | 8:00 am - 4:00 pm