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(Effective August 1, 2024)

Residential Fees

  • Single Family or Two Family Dwelling (excluding garage, attic areas, etc.) - $200 base fee plus $.15 per square foot of floor area
  • Multi-Family Dwelling - $300 per unit
  • Accessory Structures, Detached Garage - $40 minimum or $.15 per square foot of floor area
  • Accessory Structures, Attached Garage - $100 minimum or $.15 per square foot of floor area
  • Additions - $55 base fee plus $.15 per square foot of floor area
  • Interior Remodel - $40 base fee plus $.15 per square foot of floor area
  • Swimming Pool - $250
  • Temporary Mobile Home - $155 first two years & $300 per year after the first two years

Commercial Fees

  • Commercial and Industrial Structures - $530 base fee plus $.15 per square foot of floor area
  • Interior Remodel - $110 base fee plus $.15 per square foot of floor area
  • Accessory Structures and Additions - $150 minimum plus $.15 per square foot of floor area

Other Fees & Fines

  • Change in Electrical Service - $60
  • Parking Structure - $15 per Parking Space
  • Inspection - $50 per inspection
  • Re-Inspection - $75 Residential - $180 Commercial/Industrial
  • Early Bird Fine - (Start of construction prior to permit issuance) Twice the Amount of Permit
  • Variance Fine - (construction did not occur as per approved site plan) Five Times the Cost of Permit Plus the Cost of Variance
  • Zoning Code Violations - $75 per Day per Violation