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Park Board

Park Board


  • 6:00 pm
  • Second Tuesday of each month
  • Emery Lee Auditorium in Beulah Park


  • Mike Thomas, President
  • Kyle Williams, School Board Trustees
  • Kim Terry, Library
  • Alan Erwin
  • Jennifer Ward
  • Laura Jean Rowe


Overall policy and management direction of the Alexandria Parks and Recreation Department is provided by a six-member board, which includes two ex officio members and four bipartisan members appointed by the mayor serving a four-year term. Following provisions of Indiana statutes, the board:
  • Acquires and improves property
  • Adopts new programs
  • Approves budget revenues and expenditures
  • Establishes management policy and regulations
  • Passes bond issues
  • Provides a public venue for community debate and input


(A)  Parks and Recreation Department.

(1)  There is established within the executive branch of the city the Department of Parks and Recreation.

(B) Position of Superintendent established. The head of the Department of Parks and Recreation shall be the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall be appointed by the Mayor and shall serve at their pleasure. The Superintendent shall be responsible for the administration of the Department and shall be responsible for the efficient operation thereof. The superintendent must:

(1) be qualified by training or experience in the field of parks and recreation; or

(2) have a certification or an advanced degree in the field of parks and recreation.

(C) The Superintendent shall:

(1) propose annually a plan for the operation of the department;

(2) administer the plan as approved by the board;

(3) supervise the general administration of the department;

(4) keep the records of the department and preserve all papers and documents of the department;

(5) recommend persons for appointment as assistants if the board determines there is a need;

(6) appoint the employees of the department, subject to the approval of the board, according to the standards and qualifications fixed by the board and without regard to political affiliation;

(7) prepare and present to the board an annual report; and

(8) perform other duties that the board directs.

(A)   Department of Parks and Recreation. There is hereby established a Department of Parks and Recreation to be controlled and operated by the Park and Recreation Board established pursuant to I.C. 36-10-3, with a Board that includes two ex officio members.
(B)   Composition of Department. The Department shall be composed of a Board of Parks and Recreation, a Superintendent, and any other personnel the Board determines necessary.
(C)   Board composition. The Board of Parks and Recreation shall be composed of four regular members plus, as ex officio members, a member of the Board of School Trustees and a member of the Library Board.
(D)   Selection of members.
(1)   The Mayor shall select the regular members of the Board of Parks and Recreation on the basis of their interest in and knowledge of parks and recreation, but not more than two of them shall be of the same political party.
(2)   The ex officio members shall be selected by their respective boards.
(E)   Term of members. The term of office of any member of the Board of Parks and Recreation shall be four years, expiring on the first Monday of January; provided, however, an appointee shall continue in office until his or her successor is appointed.
(F)   Annual organization. At its first regular meeting in each year, the Board shall elect a President and a Vice President. The Vice President shall have authority to act as the President of the Board during the absence or disability of the President.
(G)   Powers of Board generally. The Board shall have the general power to perform all acts necessary to acquire and develop sites and facilities to conduct programs as are generally understood to be park and recreation functions including all the powers and duties specifically granted to it by statutory law.
(H)   Power of Board to create Advisory Council. The Board may create an Advisory Council and special committees composed of citizens interested in the problem of parks and recreation in accordance with law.
(I)   Power of Board to accept gifts, donations, and subsidies. The Board may accept gifts, donations, and subsidies for park and recreation purposes.
(J)   Board to submit budget. The Board shall prepare and submit an annual budget in the same manner as other departments of government.
(Prior Code, § 30.70) (Ord. 892, passed 11-27-1967; Ord. 1160, passed 8-29-1983)
Statutory reference:
Related provisions, see I.C. 36-10-3