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Disability and Worker’s Compensation

State Disability Program

The purpose is to provide income replacement and insurance premium continuation for state employees who are unable to work due to illness or non-occupational injury. The program includes both Short-Term Disability (STD) benefits and Long-Term Disability (LTD) benefits. The Disability Program is provided to employees as a bridge to sustain employees financially either to a full recovery, partial recovery or permanent disability through Social Security.

Information about submitting a claim and the state’s Short and Long Term Disability Plan can be found in the following links:

Disability Forms

If there is a chance that a leave for the employee's own serious health condition may last more than 30 consecutive calendar days, then the employee should apply for the state's Short/Long Term Disability (S/LTD) Plan by completing and submitting these forms to the address/fax listed on the forms as soon as the need for leave becomes known. This is a separate process and must be completed in addition to the FML process in appropriate situations.

Employee completes these forms:

Important Note: Employee forms may be completed electronically at by clicking the “State of Indiana Employee’s Disability Application” link. Paper applications will also be accepted unsigned or with an e-signature.

Doctor completes this form:

State Worker’s Compensation Program

The state provides a Worker's Compensation Program for all employees, as required by Indiana Code 22-3-1-1 through 22-3-12-5. The purpose of the Worker's Compensation Program is to provide the statutory benefits afforded an employee that is injured in the course and scope of his or her employment. The state takes seriously the responsibility of providing high quality medical care with the goal of a full recovery and return to work.