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Data Proficiency Program Badges

Thanks for your participation in the Data Proficiency Program. The Indiana Management Performance Hub, the state’s data agency, hopes that we’ve been able to help employees across the state understand their role in data and to skill-up. We also want to give you a little something for your efforts. We've created three Data Proficiency Program badges that you can earn by completing the lessons and passing a short quiz about the lessons. We've created three badges: Level 1 - Green, Level 2 - Blue and Level 3 - Gold.

Once, MPH sends out all lessons contained in the specific badge group, then we'll make a quiz available for the badge. Once you receive your badge please promote this on your internal SharePoint or Teams pages within your agency. Also share it on LinkedIn and other social media sites to encourage others to take our free lessons!

Check out Frequently Asked Questions below.

Level 1 - Green

Level 1 Badge

Task: Complete Lessons 1-5

Thanks for getting your journey started towards data proficiency. Being data literate starts with understanding how data impacts us in all aspects of life, including the workplace. You can spot misleading statistics and can now make better data-driven decisions. You also have a basic understanding of data analysis and should be familiar with how visualizing data can make it have more impact. With the foundations of data literacy now at your fingertips, you are now ready for even bigger data.

Take the Green Badge Quiz

Level 2 - Blue

Level 2 Blue Badge

Task: Complete Lessons 6-10

Thanks for continuing your journey towards data proficiency. Now that you've completed the first 10 lessons, you can now go for the blue badge. Let's keep it 100 and get all 10 questions right. Once you've earned the blue badge, then you'll be ready to go for gold!

Take the Blue Badge Quiz

Level 3 - Gold

Level 3 Gold Badge

Task: Complete Lessons 11-16

Are you ready to go for the gold badge? In this program, you've gained important knowledge and skills for dealing with and making sense of data. The series covered various topics in data literacy, like grasping different data types, exploring where data comes from, understanding charts and graphs and learning some basic data analysis techniques. We hope you take away an understanding that the collection, organization and analysis of data is a part of all state employees’ daily activities.

Take the Gold Badge Quiz

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions, please use our Contact Us form to send questions.

  • How do I complete the quiz?
    Please use your state-issued computer or phone to complete the quiz. You’ll need to be connected to the state network or sign-in to your Microsoft Online account to access the link to the quiz.
  • What score must I achieve on a particular quiz to earn a badge?
    You must get at least 8 out of 10 questions to score a passing grade and earn a badge. Passing scores for the Blue and Gold badges are to be determined.
  • What if I don’t pass the quiz? Can I take it again?
    Yes. You can take as many attempts to pass the badge quizzes. We'll eliminate any failed scores and only be emailing badges to those with passing scores.
  • When will I receive my badge?

    MPH plans to send out a downloadable file to those that pass the quiz. We plan to do this bi-weekly starting in September 2021 for the Green Badge. The e-mail will come from the MPH GovDelivery account that we’ve been sending the lessons out with. Timelines for future badges will be posted above.

  • What should I do with my badge?

    You can print it out and proudly display it at your work location. Or feel free to promote it on your agency’s Teams channels or SharePoint/Yammer. We’re going to leave this up to you! We'll help you with a shareable post on LinkedIn when you receive your badge.

  • What data is being collected?

    MPH will get only your name and work e-mail, plus your responses to the quiz. That’s all. We’ll use this information to contact you.

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