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MPH Contact Form

Are you interested in learning more about our services, or becoming one of our partners? Please fill out the form below. We value your interest in MPH and will get back to you as soon as possible. Don’t forget to sign-up for our newsletter. Thanks for looking to get involved with MPH.

For public records requests specific to MPH, go to the Public Records Request page to submit through the portal.

Please click the link below to complete the form.

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MPH Contact Information

Indiana Management Performance Hub

100 North Senate Avenue 
Room N855
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204

Phone: (317) 232-2698

Media Contact

Jeff Mullins, Communications Director
Email Jeff

MPH Newsletter Sign-up


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Visit the Indiana DATA Hub

Browse and download the State of Indiana’s publicly-available datasets to gain insight into current data trends around the state.

Visit the Indiana Data Hub

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