The Vital Records Division provides access to vital records including birth certificates and death certificates that have occurred in Jasper County. We follow Indiana code 16-37-1-10 & 11, 11.5C in the issuance of these records.
Payment options are cash, money orders, checks, and credit cards. Note that a Photo ID is required for all records and there is a credit card fee.
- Birth Certificate - $20.00
- Death Certificate - $20.00
- Amendments - $15.00
- Notary - $5.00 per document
You will need to have an appointment for the following:
- Paternity Affidavit - $20.00 plus the cost of the birth certificate
- Paternity Affidavit upon Marriage - $20.00 plus the cost of the birth certificate
- Home Birth Registration - $50.00 plus the cost of the birth certificate
- Mary Jo Gilbert 219-866-4939