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Community Crossings Matching Grant Program


2025-1 Community Crossing Matching Grant Call for Projects

The 2025-1 Community Crossing Matching Grant Call for Projects will open Thursday, January 2, 2025, at 8:00 AM EST., and close Friday, January 31, 2025, at 5:00 PM EST.

2024-2 Community Crossing Matching Grant Call for Projects

INDOT will announce the municipalities awarded funds for the 2024-2 CCMG Call for Projects sometime in the fall of 2024.

INDOT Increases CCMG Cap in Pilot Program for 2024

During calendar year 2024, INDOT will be increasing the maximum awarded amount per calendar year for the CCMG Program from $1.0 million to $1.5 million dollars. To be eligible, you must have an approved asset management plan and have closed out any old awards that were made prior to 2022-1. INDOT will reassess this pilot program at the end of calendar year 2024. All other CCMG Program requirements and guidelines will remain the same. If you have any questions, you can contract your district local program directors for information.

2024-1 Community Crossing Matching Grant Call for Projects

In April, 252 Indiana cities, towns, and counties received a combined $207.3 million in state matching funds for local road projects through Community Crossings, a component of the Governor’s Next Level Roads program.

See the full list of recipients for the 2024-1 Community Crossings Matching Grants here.

About Community Crossings

Launched in 2016, the Community Crossings Matching Grant Program provides funding to cities, towns, and counties across Indiana to make improvements to local roads and bridges.

Community Crossings is a partnership between INDOT and Hoosier communities, both urban and rural, to invest in infrastructure projects that catalyze economic development, create jobs, and strengthen local transportation networks.

INDOT holds two CCMG Call for Projects each year, one in January and one in July. Projects that are eligible for funding through Community Crossings include road and bridge preservation projects with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance in connection with these projects. Material costs for chip sealing and crack filling operations are also eligible for funding.  CCMG awards state funds for CONSTRUCTION ONLY; maintenance of traffic is part of construction, and DOES NOT participate in contingency fees on contractor contracts.

Details and deadlines for the call will be advertised in the State of Indiana’s GovDelivery subscription service with a description of each update. Grant awards will be announced by the Governor’s Office and posted on the Local Public Agency Programs website. Click on CCMG Resources below to view the Local Road and Bridge CCMG Guidance Document for Local Public Agencies, Access and Complete the CCMG Application Process, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), and examples.

Community Crossings is open to all local government units in the State of Indiana.  Match percentages are:

  • Cities and towns with a population of fewer than 10,000 will receive funds using a 75/25% match.
  • Cities and towns with a population of greater than 10,000 will receive funds using a 50/50% match.
  • Counties with a population of fewer than 50,000 people will receive funds using a 75/25% match.
  • Counties with a population of greater than 50,000 people will receive funds using a 50/50% match.

For questions regarding the CCMG program, applications, or projects, please contact your District Program Director, or Cassandra Hudson at or 317-467-3413.

  • CCMG Resources
  • Required Documentation for CCMG Application

    Local governments must have the following required documentation submitted with each application to be eligible for Community Crossing funds:

      1. Must submit one Financial Commitment Letter per application on your agency letterhead.
      2. Must be signed (not typed) by someone who has the authority to sign on behalf of your agency.
      3. If the letter is submitted without the proper authority’s signature and without the intended financial commitment amount (required by law 8-23-30-4), the application will not be eligible.
      4. Reference the CCMG Resources link on this webpage for an example of an acceptable Financial Commitment Letter.
      1. Must submit one Detailed Cost Estimate per road of the application.
      2. Detailed Cost Estimate means each estimate must be detailed and itemized by each road or bridge; with ‘to’ and ‘from’ points clearly defined on each roads estimate.
      3. One estimate for each road segment is required.
      4. Estimates must be clearly labeled by each road segment, with the road name and ‘to’ and ‘from’ indicated.  Applications without clearly labeled road estimates will not be eligible.
      5. The road name and ‘to’ and ‘from’ indicated on the roads estimate must match the road name and ‘to’ and ‘from’ mapped on the application.
      6. Lump sum estimates are not eligible.
      7. Estimates with contingencies will not be eligible.
      8. Reference the CCMG Resources link on this webpage for an example of an acceptable Detailed Cost Estimate.
    3. ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN (AMP) – Road & Bridge
      1. Must submit an approved AMP (pavement or bridge).
      2. Do not submit the entire AMP with your CCMG application, only submit the approval letter page from LTAP.
      3. An approved AMP is required by law to receive consideration for funding. If a local government does not have an approved AMP, they are not eligible to pursue CCMG funding.
      4. Reference the Asset Management Plans (AMP) link on this webpage for details on how to submit an AMP.
    4. STRUCTURE INVENTORY and APPRAISAL REPORT (SIA) is required for Bridge projects only.

    Local governments may submit multiple projects. Each application for road work submitted can include up to 50 different road segments.   Only one bridge project can be submitted per application.


    1. Financial Commitment – Reference Application Number in File Name
    2. Detailed Cost Estimate – Identify Road Segment in File Name (‘To’ and ‘From’ should be included if have same segment with different locations)
    3. Asset Management Approval Letter from LTAP – Place Approval Date in File Name
    4. Structure Inventory and Appraisal Report – Place Bridge Number in File Name
  • Asset Management Plans (AMP)

    Asset Management Plans (AMP) are required by law to receive consideration for funding. HEA 1002 provides funding to Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) to help local governments with their asset management plans.  All approval letters must be dated by December 1st of the preceding year to be eligible for any call for projects in the succeeding year.

    All Asset Management Plans should be submitted to LTAP, which will work with local governments to complete and approve all AMP’s. Asset management plans must be submitted to LTAP via their Data Management System. LTAP will contact you if revisions are required to your AMP’s once it is submitted.

    Contact the Local Technical Assistance Program – Purdue University (LTAP).  LTAP will be assisting all local governments with their plans.  For any assistance with your Asset Management Plans or the Data Management System, including templates, examples, and resources, please contact:

    Patrick Conner, PE
    PE Lead Engineer, Asset Management, Indiana LTAP
    Phone: 765-494-4971/ 800-428-7639
    Email: or

    How to Create a Data Management System Account

    Pavement Asset Management Plans (AMP) are living documents and should be updated whenever improvements are made to roads/bridges, and then submitted to LTAP every year.

  • Certified Road Inventory

    It is important to verify and update your Certified Road Inventory to ensure your local is compensated for all its road assets and to ensure the Asset Management Plan matches. The locals state MVH funding is based on their Certified Road Inventory.

    IMPORTANT: Only roads listed in your Certified Road Inventory are eligible for CCMG funding.

    To get a road added to or deleted from Certified Road Inventory, or to receive a copy of your certified road mileage for your agency’s road inventory contact:

    Mark McMahan
    INDOT Road Inventory Manager

    Updates will take a minimum of 48 hours to be approved but could take a maximum of 2 weeks for the updates to show on the maps.

    A summary report can be found at this link:

  • State Laws That Apply
    • I.C. 36-1-12 (Public Works Projects)
    • I.C. 8-23-10 (Qualifications of Bidders for Contracts)
    • I.C. 5-16-13 (Requirements for Contractors on Public Works Projects)
    • Look up Indiana Code at General Assembly website:
    • Indiana State Law Procurement PowerPoint Presentation is located on INDOT’s website under the Local Public Program Section
  • Americans' with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plans

    INDOT is reviewing all transition plans for all local governments who apply for Community Crossings Funding.  All local governments need to show that they are at least making a good faith effort in adopting an ADA Transition Plan.

    INDOT is working with all local governments throughout Indiana to ensure compliance or at least show that each local government is making a good faith effort in becoming compliant.

    INDOT is a recipient of federal funds and has a Stewardship and Oversight Agreement with the Federal Highway Administration which means that if you receive any funding from INDOT (state or federal), whether through a contract to perform work or provide professional services or as part of a grant or award for your community, INDOT is required to ensure you are in compliance with Title VI & Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) nondiscrimination and accessibility requirements.

    Our goal in monitoring our sub-recipients is to provide sufficient training, tools, and resources to make compliance efforts manageable and easier for our sub-recipients as we work together to improve Indiana communities by constructing roads, bridges, highways, and pedestrian facilities across the state.

    Click here to register for TITLE VI / ADA /PROWAG Workshop August 1, 2024.

    We need for every local government too show that they are making a good faith effort toward this compliance. Please contact Taffanee Keys, Civil Rights Counsel at for more information and assistance.

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