- Hypertension
Hypertension Toolkit
Attachments by Section
- Ambulatory Readiness Assessment
- Emergency Department Readiness Assessment
- Inpatient Readiness Assessment
- Manual Blood Pressure Competency Checklist
- Inpatient
Differential Diagnosis - Emergency
HELLP Syndrome Chart
Management of Pregnant/Postpartum Patients in the ED - Ambulatory
Ambulatory Preeclampsia Checklist
Preeclampsia Patient Education Checklist
- Risk Appropriate Care Considerations for Intrapartum Inpatient Settings
- Risk Appropriate Care Considerations for Post-Discharge and Outpatient Settings
- Nursing Acuity Assessment
- Management of Pregnant/Postpartum Patients in the ED
- Postpartum Preeclampsia Checklist
- CMQCC Eclampsia Algorithm
- Hypertension Pre-Transport Checklist
- Maternal-Fetal GO-No-Go Transport Algorithm
- Sample Medication Toolbox (CMQCC)
- Badge Buddy Labor and Delivery
- Badge Buddy Postpartum
- ENA – AWHONN Consensus Statement on Emergency Care for Patients during Pregnancy and Postpartum
- Maternal Hemorrhage
Maternal Hemorrhage Toolkit
Postpartum Hemorrhage Simulations
These simulation scenarios are available to be downloaded and adapted for your facility's use. They were designed with a Level of Care in mind but all scenarios can be used by all hospital designation levels. Best Practice: Whatever amount of time you schedule for the scenario you choose, plan to allow double that time for the debriefs portion of the simulation experience.
- Level 1 Trauma Scenario
- Level 2 Trauma Scenario
- Level 3 Thrombin Scenario
- Level 4 Tone Scenario
- Tissue Scenario / Simulation Template
- PPH Simulation Learning Objectives
- PPH Simulation Debriefing Questions
Individual Attachments
- Basic Post Partum Hemorrhage Cart Contents
- Hemorrhage Cart Examples
- Placement of Tamponade Balloon
- B-Lynch Suture - B-Lynch Suture
- CMQCC stages of hemorrhage guidelines
- Uterotonic Agents for Postpartum Hemorrhage
- Blood Component Reference AWHONN
- Hemorrhage Debrief Form
- Early Warning System Chart Sample
- Emergency Management Plan
- Sample Stress Debriefing Policy
- Patient Clinical Summary SME
- Hospital Audit Tool
- QBL Final
- Perinatal Substance Use Practice Bundle
Perinatal Substance Use Practice Bundle
Perinatal Substance Use Practice Bundle By Section
Maternal Neonatal Pregnant and Postpartum Patients with Substance Use Disorder Practice Bundle Overview
- Readiness
- Recognition and Prevention
- Response
- Reporting (coming soon)
- Respectful, Equitable and Supportive Care
- NAS Clinical Definition
- Non-Pharmacologic
- Pharmacologic (updated August 2020)
- Transfer (updated August 2020)
- Discharge Planning Infants (updated October 30, 2020)
Perinatal Substance Use Practice Bundle Individual Attachments
- 5 Ps Screening Tool
- Addiction Services
- Alcohol Exposure – Going Home (Spanish version)
- Breastfeeding and Substance Use Guidance Document
- Breastfeeding and Substance Use Traffic Light (Spanish version)
- Cycle of Respectful Care
- DCS Patient Handout
- DCS Process Overview for Medical Providers
- Infant Discharge Readiness Checklist
- Infant Primary Care Provider Letter
- Map of Care for Pregnant Patients Affected by SUD
- Motivational Interviewing
- NAS Pharmacologic Therapy Protocol
- NAS Process Algorithm
- Newborn Withdrawal Going Home (Spanish version)
- OB Provider Pocket Card
- Patient Orientation Letters
- Pharmacologic Treatment Algorithm
- Plan of Safe Care – Engaging Communities
- Plan of Safe Care Fillable Form
- Postpartum Discharge Planning
- Postpartum Discharge Planning and Referral Checklist
- Postpartum Letter to Primary Care Provider
- Provider and Patient Resources
- Recommendations for Counseling
- Sample Release of information
- SUD Clinical Care Pathway
- Transfer Algorithm
- Trauma Informed Care Position Statement
- Validated Screening Tools
- Trauma-Informed Care Videos
- Video 1: What is Trauma-Informed Care?
- Video 2: A Patient’s Perspective
- Video 3: Providers’ Perspective on Trauma-Informed Care
- Video 4: Voices in Care: Stories of Providers and Patients
- Voices in Care Provider & Patient Vignettes
Midwest Trauma-Informed Training Center
Trauma-Informed Care Materials for offices and facilities - free to download
Trauma-Informed Care Resource Library
Additional MTITC Trauma-Informed webinars and videos
Trauma-Informed Care video series trailer
Health Care Providers
Nurses, doctors, caseworkers and other professionals in the health and medical field are on the front lines in the battle to reduce infant mortality in Indiana. How can you help?
Start the conversation
While it’s important to talk to your patients and clients about their medical and wellness needs, it’s just as important to listen. Hearing their fears, struggles, frustrations and hopes can help you craft a plan for the needs of the parents and the baby.
Determine their level of understanding
Oftentimes expectant or new parents are overwhelmed with advice from friends and family, which may or may not be accurate. Never assume what they may know and don’t hesitate to go over the basics with them. Even experienced parents can benefit from reminders and refreshers.
Identify their needs
The State of Indiana offers many resources for new and expectant parents to utilize. Familiarize yourself with the supportive programs and services available and begin to understand where your patients may need the most assistance or direction.
For more information and referral services call the MCH MOMS Helpline at 1-844-MCH-MOMS (1-844-624-6667).
Please email questions to isdhmch@health.in.gov.