The information on this page is accurate according to current Indiana law administrative code and is subject to change during to the current legislative session. Any changes to the Choice Scholarship Program will be posted at the conclusion of the legislative session.
Indiana is committed to providing all children access to quality educational opportunities. Indiana's Choice Scholarship Program, commonly referred to as the voucher program, (authorized under IC 20-51-1 and IC 20-51-4) provides scholarships to eligible Indiana students in grades K – 12 to offset tuition costs at participating schools. Explore the links below for more information.
General Information
This section provides parents and guardians with basic information about the Choice Scholarship Program. Please contact your Choice Scholarship school to learn about enrollment requirements and to submit a Choice Scholarship student application.
- 2024-2025 Participating Choice Schools
- 2024-2025 Choice Scholarship Program FAQ
- 2024-2025 Choice Scholarship Program Period One Estimated Award Amounts
- 2024-2025 Choice Scholarship Program Period Two Estimated Award Amounts,
- 2024-2025 Choice Scholarship Program Special Education FAQ
Student Eligibility
Effective June 29, 2023, the following requirements must be satisfied to qualify for a Choice Scholarship award:
- Student must have legal settlement in Indiana;
- Student must be at least five (5) years old and less than 22 years old by October 1 of the school year that the student is applying; and
- Student is a member of a household with an annual income of not more than 400% of the amount to qualify for the federal free and reduced price lunch program.
Additional information about student eligibility and income requirements can be found in the following documents:
- 2024-2025 Choice Scholarship Program Eligibility Overview (includes income guidelines for Choice Scholarship Program eligibility)
- 2024-2025 Choice Scholarship Program Income Verification Rules
- 2024-2025 Choice Scholarship Program Income Verification FAQs
- Choice Scholarship Program and Medicaid Fact Sheet
How to Apply for Parents/Guardians
When a Choice school has been selected for an Indiana student, the student should enroll in the school. The Choice school has access to an electronic application that they will use to submit the student’s Choice application.
The 2025-2026 Choice Scholarship student application is available beginning on Friday, March 1, and ending on Sunday, September 1, for the first application period. The 2025-2026 period 2 Choice Scholarship application period begins Friday, November 1, 2025 and ends Wednesday, January 15, 2026.
The parent/guardian must provide documentation of eligibility to the Choice school. The application will be submitted by the participating Choice school with information provided by you via a password-protected website that is only available to Choice school administrators.
- Applications submitted in the first period are full year awards, provided that the student is not withdrawn prior to the end of the school year.
- Applications submitted in the second period are a half-year award, provided that the student remains enrolled through the end of the school year.
If a student is approved for a Choice Scholarship, the school will provide the parent/guardian with a copy of the award letter at the time the student’s application is approved. This award letter will detail the estimated amount of the Choice Scholarship. Please save this letter for your records.
Information for schools about participating in the Choice Scholarship Program.
- School application packet – for schools that would like to apply to participate in the 2025-2026 Choice Scholarship Program.
- Participating Choice Schools can find more information at Non-Public School Community Moodle.
- National Accrediting Organizations
Choice Scholarship Annual Program Reports
Reports from 2015-2016* up through 2022-2023 are posted. (*Includes data back to 2011-2012)
- 2023-2024 Choice Scholarship Program Report
- 2022-2023 Choice Scholarship Program Report
- 2021-2022 Choice Scholarship Program Report
- 2020-2021 Choice Scholarship Program Report
- 2019-2020 Choice Scholarship Program Report
- 2018-2019 Choice Scholarship Program Report
- 2017-2018 Choice Scholarship Program Report
- 2016-2017 Choice Scholarship Program Report
- 2015-2016 Choice Scholarship Program Report*