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1008 grants

The Student Learning Recovery Grant Program, created in 2021 through House Enrolled Act 1008, allocates $150 million to support accelerated learning for Indiana’s students in the areas of literacy, mathematics and college and career readiness. Through the grant, Indiana is supporting community organizations, education service centers, higher education institutions and K-12 school across 86 counties of Indiana’s 92 counties. More information about the program is available here.

The Student Learning Recovery Grant - Expanding What Works

Inspired by the successful 1008 Student Learning Recovery model out of Indianapolis, the Indy Summer Learning Labs, IDOE is excited to once again offer grants to implement a high-quality 2025 summer learning program. The program is designed to award a single grant to a lead regional organization/entity which then partners with community organizations, local nonprofits, school corporations, public charter schools, non-public schools, and others to deploy a successful, multi-site summer math and English/language arts learning program aligned to the core design principles of the Indy Summer Learning Lab program. Eligible regional grantees include:

  • Community-based organizations,
  • Education service centers,
  • Non-profit community organizations, and
  • Municipal entities.

The application for summer 2025 is closed.

Round 2 Links

Round 1 Links

1008 Amendment Requests
