
Main Content


Creating a New Page linked from a Page Section

  1. Navigate to the page the needs modified
  2. Select Open Page Section
  3. Select Manage List of Pages/URLs/Files
  4. The Edit Link Element Menu opens
  5. Select Create and Connect Page
  6. The Content Class Groups Menu opens
  7. In the top section, select New - Foundation [GLOBAL]
  8. In the bottom section, select Foundation (Main foundation template for all pages)
  9. The Edit Headline Menu Opens
  10. Insert a title for the new page in the text box
  11. Select OK
  12. Select the Tasks button on the RedDot menu
  13. The Select Tasks Menu opens
  14. Select 1 Edit Pages
  15. The Search Results Menu opens
  16. Select the newly created page
  17. Select the Submit Selected Pages to Workflow button.
  18. See Publishing a Single Change to publish the changes

Please Note: The new page will be published without any content. After following all of the steps above, see Editing Text Content to add content to the new page.