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About America250

America250 is a nonpartisan initiative working to engage every American in commemorating the 250th anniversary of our country. This multi-year effort, from now through 2026, is an opportunity to pause and reflect on our nation’s past, honor the contributions of all Americans, and look ahead toward the future we want to create for the next generation and beyond.

In 2026 the United States commemorates 250 years since the signing of the Declaration of Independence. While the 1976 bicentennial focused on celebrating the nation’s founding, this semiquincentennial will look at the bigger picture of the American experience. This commemoration will explore Indiana's role in the nation’s history, from the actions leading to the revolutionary period until today.

As we commemorate the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the establishment of the United States of America, we will acknowledge the people, places, and movements that define our histories. By exploring our collective history, we can see Indiana's role in the sweeping progress of the United States and how our country’s ideals of freedom, liberty, and justice have played out. To showcase these ideas, we need broad and creative approaches that highlight the multiple perspectives of the American experience.

Known as the original western frontier, Indiana has always been a crossroads of America. Our state has continually provided influential leaders, movements, entertainers, and culture to the U.S. at large. This once-in-a-generation commemoration offers the opportunity to highlight these achievements while looking past our divisions by embracing the shared responsibilities and identity as citizens of the United States of America.