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Recertify Provider Enrollment Licenses and Other Certifications

Recertification of expiring licenses, insurance information (if applicable) and other certifications is necessary for providers to continue to be eligible for enrollment with the Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP). If a provider is required to recertify their enrollment credentials, a notification is sent to the provider 60 business days before the end date of the provider's eligibility to participate. Providers must recertify their enrollment credentials even if they do not receive a notification.

Note: "Recertification" of enrollment credentials is not the same as "revalidation" of enrollment. For more information about revalidation, see the Provider Enrollment Revalidation page on this website.

Certain provider types are required to recertify by updating expiring licenses, insurance information and certifications (as applicable) with the IHCP. If your provider type has a license that must be periodically renewed, and your provider type is not listed on this page, IHCP verification of your license update occurs electronically, and you do not need to take any action to verify recertification.

Note: Providers enrolled under the Ordering, Prescribing or Referring (OPR) classification are required to maintain an active license and/or certification to maintain their IHCP enrollment, but are not required to recertify. The IHCP verifies OPR licensing information periodically.

The following provider types are required to recertify and submit the recertification documentation to verify enrollment credentials are current:

  • Provider type 01 – Hospitals that are out of state and are eligible for the IHCP must recertify on or before their license expiration date. If the license is open-ended, the hospital must submit their Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations certification that shows their approval period.
  • Provider type 26 – Transportation providers of all specialties must recertify before their license expiration date, based on the requirements listed on the IHCP Provider Enrollment Type and Specialty Matrix. Transportation providers will receive a notification 60 business days before the end date of the provider's eligibility to participate in the IHCP and must renew their licenses, insurance and certificates.
  • Provider type 28 – Laboratory providers that are out of state, with specialty 281 – Mobile Lab or 283 – Mobile Independent Diagnostic Testing Facility (IDTF) must submit renewed licenses before their license expiration date.
  • Provider type 29 – Radiology providers that are out of state, with specialty 291 – Mobile X-Ray Clinic must submit renewed licenses and certificates before their license expiration date.

To submit recertification information before the designated end date of your eligibility to participate, you may use either of the following two options:

  • Recertify quickly and easily on the IHCP Provider Healthcare Portal (IHCP Portal)
  • Recertify via paper forms, which requires only the submission of the IHCP Provider Enrollment Recertification of Licenses and Certifications Form, from the Update Your Provider Profile page on this website, along with updates to the expiring license and credential documents.

If you fail to recertify before the designated end date of your eligibility to participate, you will be required to reenroll with the IHCP, either via the IHCP Portal or by submitting a new IHCP provider enrollment application in its entirety. Providers that fail to recertify before their enrollment lapses will be issued a new IHCP Provider ID when they reenroll. When reenrolling, providers can request a retroactive effective date as early as the date that their enrollment was deactivated, as long as they have a claim for that date.

Basic Steps to Recertify

The first step in recertifying is to use the IHCP Provider Enrollment Type and Specialty Matrix to determine recertification requirements for your provider type and specialty. The licenses or certifications required to recertify are the same as those required to enroll.

Providers are encouraged to recertify online using the IHCP Provider Healthcare Portal. The IHCP Portal guides users through the process, and supporting documentation can be attached and submitted online.

However, if you choose to recertify using paper, follow these steps:

  1. Complete the IHCP Provider Enrollment Recertification of Licenses and Certifications Form.
    • Detailed instructions are included in the paper form.
    • The recertification form is an interactive PDF file, allowing you to complete the form from your computer, save the completed file electronically and print the file for mailing.
    • Be sure to get appropriate signatures and include all supporting documentation required.
  2. Before submitting the recertification, print a copy of the submission and other documentation for your records.
  3. Mail the paper form and/or required documentation, as needed, to the IHCP at the following address:
    IHCP Provider Enrollment
    PO Box 50443
    Indianapolis, IN 46250-0418

Processing Your Recertification

Please allow at least 15 business days for processing before checking the status of your recertification. After the Provider Enrollment Unit processes your recertification form, you will be notified of the results.

  • If the submission needs correcting or is missing required documentation, the Provider Enrollment Unit will contact you by telephone, email or mail. This contact is intended to communicate what needs to be corrected, completed and submitted before the IHCP can process your enrollment transaction.       
    • If your recertification is submitted via the IHCP Portal, and your submission is rejected for missing or incomplete information, a new application tracking number (ATN) must be submitted via the portal.
    • If your recertification is submitted via paper, and your submission is rejected, providers MUST return the entire submission to make corrections or to provide the missing information.
  • If the update request is complete, it will be processed and you will receive notification.

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