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May 2020 Newsletter

Cleaning your electronics at work


State employees are returning to work, and with that comes a focus on cleaning our work spaces, including electronics. In order to safely clean your equipment, IOT has developed a four-page electronic cleaning document.

This guide on gives you steps and tips of how to clean ALL of your devices you use every day.

IOT Customer Satisfaction Survey Results


This month, IOT sent out its biannual Customer Satisfaction Surveys to state employees who have opened a ticket with us in the last six months. IOT has service metrics that it tracks on a monthly basis to know which services are working and which aren't, but that does not gauge how we are doing with customer service- which is why this survey is so important.

We asked our customers a series of questions about their experience with IOT, and to provide any feedback they had using our services. Their feedback will help us continue to provide a better customer experience.

Results show that IOT has a satisfaction rating of 97.99%. Our goal is to be the gold-standard of customer service and to provide an experience that exceeds the customer’s expectations. Next level customer service is a constant refinement and a work in progress, but we appreciate choosing to use IOT as your technology vendor.

We thank you for your participation and will continue to do our best to help you resolve any issues you have in the future!

Disaster Recovery Options Come to SFTP service


A recent change to the Secure File Transfer (SFTP) ( server provides enhanced security and adds disaster recovery options for State of Indiana users. SFTP securely moves files between applications and services, both internally and externally, and is used by dozens of agencies.

Why this matters: Now data at rest is fully encrypted and SFTP can be incorporated into disaster recovery plans. Need to re-evaluate your DR plans and make sure your file transfers remain up and running? Contact Ram Annamalai at 317-232-3206, or Frank Spicuzza at 317-234-3451,

Indiana Public WiFi locations


The Geographic Information Office, in collaboration with the Governor's office, Lieutenant Governor, Department of Education, Commission for Higher Education, 39 Degrees North and various internet service providers, has developed a map of publicly available locations that provide WiFi internet access. There are hundreds of locations throughout the state.

These locations can be used as a public resource for remote learning or working remotely. The sites are accessible at all hours from a parked vehicle on the road or parking lot. As a COVID-19 safety precaution, visitors are encouraged to follow guidance on the Back On Track website. If possible, these WiFi sites should be accessed from within a parked vehicle.

Disclaimer: WiFi hotspots in coffee shops, libraries, airports, hotels, universities, and other public places are convenient, but often they’re not secure. If you connect to a WiFi network, and send information through websites or mobile apps, providers cannot and do not guarantee the privacy of your communications or data while using the service.

To protect your information when using wireless hotspots, send information only to sites that are fully encrypted, and avoid using mobile apps that require personal or financial information.

O’Reilly offers free training for all state employees

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State employees have been given free access to O'Reilly online learning from now until July 6th.

Federal, state, and local governments are stretched thin during this crisis and may need to have as many resources available at this time.

Their platform offers unlimited books, videos, live online training, interactive sandboxes and scenarios, certification prep tests, and much more on topics you might need on COBOL, Python, AI/ML, SRE, security, cloud computing and more.

Click here to register!

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