INDOT recognizes the importance of proactively engaging contractors, consultants and transportation and construction experts when considering solutions to best meet the state’s transportation needs.
Listed below are Requests for Proposals (RFPs) regarding transportation or transportation infrastructure situations facing INDOT. Each RFP includes criteria and background needed to solicit the information requested by INDOT.
INDOT will review the responses and materials received and use that to form a decision on selecting a course of action that addresses the specific transportation need in the most cost-effective way.
RFPs do not constitute the commencement of any other type of procurement process for any project.
All materials submitted by respondents shall be subject to the Indiana Public Records Act, and any other laws and regulations applicable to the disclosure of documents submitted under the RFP.
Request for Proposals for FlexRoad
Request for Proposals for SR 32 Progressive Design Build Project in Boone County
Request for Proposals Safer Drive 65
Preliminary Selection
Selected Proposer's Redacted Proposal
Written Basis of Preliminary Selection
Proposed DBA
Amendment #1 to Final RFP
- Safer Drive 65 – DBA Agreement with Exhibits
- Safer Drive 65 – ITP
- Safer Drive 65 – ITP Forms (ZIP)
- Safer Drive 65 – Technical Provisions
Final Documents
- Safer Drive 65 - FINAL ITP (PDF)
- Safer Drive 65 - FINAL ITP Forms (ZIP)
- Safer Drive 65 - Final DBA Agreement with Exhibits (PDF)
- Safer Drive 65 –TP Final Part 1 (PDF)
- Safer Drive 65 –TP Final Part 2 (PDF)
- Safer Drive 65 –TP Final Part 3 (PDF)
- Safer Drive 65 –TP Final Part 3 (ZIP)
Revised Documents:
- Safer Drive 65 -- DBA Draft #2 (PDF File)
- Safer Drive 65 – ITP Draft #2 (PDF File)
- Safer Drive 65 – ITP Forms Draft #2 (ZIP file containing several Word and Excel documents)
- Safer Drive 65 – Technical Provisions Draft #2
- Safer Drive 65 – DBA Draft (PDF File)
- Safer Drive 65 – ITP Draft (PDF File)
- Safer Drive 65 – ITP Forms (ZIP file containing several Word and Excel documents)
- Safer Drive 65 – Technical Provisions Draft Part 1
- Safer Drive 65 – Technical Provisions Draft Part 2
- Safer Drive 65 – Technical Provisions Draft Part 3
Request for Proposals LevelUp31
INDOT is excited to announce that an Apparent Selected Proposer has been identified for the Level Up 31 CMGC Project. Rieth-Riley Construction Co., Inc. is the Apparent Selected Proposer for the Project, the first undertaken as a CMGC procurement in the State. INDOT anticipates completing negotiations and executing a CMGC agreement by August 15, 2024 (per Section 1.5 of the RFP).
Request for Proposals to receive released mitigation site in Hancock County
Request for Proposals to design and build the Sherman Minton Corridor Project through a Public–Private Partnership Agreement
- Preliminary Selection of Proposal and Notice of Public Hearing
- Request for Proposal – Design and Build the Sherman Minton Corridor Project through a Public-Private Partnership Agreement
Request for Proposals to design and build the I-69 Section 6 Contract 5 Project through a Public–Private Partnership Agreement
Request for Proposal - Toll Advisory and Oversight Services for the Louisville-Southern Indiana Ohio River Bridges Project
- Responses to Questions Submitted
- RFP - Toll Advisory and Oversight Services
- Exhibit A - Professional/Personal Services Agreement
- Exhibit 1 - JB-2016-3
- Exhibit 2 - JB-2017-2
- Exhibit 3 - JB-2017-1