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Genomics and Newborn Screening

The Genomics and Newborn Screening Program (GNBS) is a program within the Indiana Department of Health that houses both the Indiana Birth Defects and Problems Registry (IBDPR) and the Newborn Screening Program. The GNBS Program is responsible for ensuring timely and quality newborn screening occurs for each and every Hoosier baby.

View the Genomics and Newborn Screening Program Timeline!

birth defects program logonewborn screening program logo

Mission: To equitably serve Hoosiers with genetic conditions and birth defects by providing timely identification and access to resources with the top goals of community partnership, family engagement, awareness activities and surveillance.

Vision: Every Hoosier has access to the genetic services and therapies they need to achieve well-being at all stages of life.

Values: Family first, Engagement, Innovation, and Advocacy

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