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Resources for Working Remotely

As FSSA staff continue to work from remote locations, please know there is help to meet your technology needs. Below is helpful information on how to work in the Virtual FSSA environment and connect to the state network as you continue to meet the needs of the populations we serve.

  1. If you’ve got a state laptop, use it at home and use the VPN
  2. If you’ve got a personal computer, tablet or smartphone, you have a few options
    • If you only need access to email, you can use Webmail in any browser. https://outlook.office365.com/
    • You can also access the new Virtual FSSA workstations. All your email, H drive, OneDrive, and Office software can be found there. Go here: https://rdweb.wvd.microsoft.com/webclient/index.html
    • If you’ve got a personal computer and are on the new Virtual FSSA you can also remote directly into your state workstation
  3. If you do not have a computer at home, you are allowed to take your desktop and equipment home with you and use the VPN
  4. You can always use your phone if you have one

Instructions may be downloaded below showing you how to get into the new Virtual FSSA and how to remote into your state computer at the government center. It’s really pretty easy to do. Also, a list of places to go to get technical assistance. Please feel free to reach out for help.