The Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) offers a variety of grant opportunities throughout the year utilizing state and federal dollars. IDOE serves as a resource to local education agencies providing technical assistance and professional development as they implement grant programs in their local contexts. IDOE aims to strengthen education programs statewide by ensuring compliance with all state and federal requirements and supporting schools as they strive to meet the needs of all Indiana students.
- Federal Grants
- Title I (Parts A, C & D)
- Title II, Part A
- Title III
- Title IV
- ESSER-GEER Dashboard
- Out-of-School Time Programs (OST) - 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program
- Rural and Low-Income Schools Program
- English Learning and Migrant Education
- Charter School Program
- Homeless (McKinney-Vento)
- School Improvement Grants (SIG)
- State Grants
- Additional Grant Opportunities
- Grant Resources
- Ed-Flex Waiver
- Micro-Purchase Threshold Update
- Object Codes for Salaries
- Policies and Procedures Memo 2021-2022
- Federal Grants Pre-Application
- Equitable Services Ombudsman
- Title Grants Fiscal Handbook
- Title Grants Handbook
- Federal Grants Monitoring Appendix
- SY24-25 Onsite Monitoring Document
- Non-Public Guidance Appendix
- Title I Part A Appendix
- Evidence Based Parent Involvement Activities
- Maintenance of Equity
- SY 2023 Indirect Cost Rates (ICR)
- Coordinating 21st CCLC & Title I Funding
- Annual Data Submission Timeline
- Grant Funding