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Secretary Jenner

Dr. Katie Jenner - Indiana Secretary of Education

Dr. Jenner HeadshotAs the state’s first Secretary of Education, Dr. Katie Jenner leads the Indiana Department of Education and chairs the State Board of Education with a learner-centered, future-focused vision. Under Dr. Jenner’s leadership, Indiana is focused on three key pillars: student learning and opportunity; educator talent, quality, and value; and system-alignment and capacity.

Indiana has deployed a number of tactical solutions within each of these three pillars. This work includes securing and implementing Indiana’s largest-ever financial investment in literacy focused on the science of reading, launching a comprehensive teacher supply/demand marketplace that tracks vacancies, matches teachers with open positions, and helps recruit new teachers, as well as developing Indiana Graduates Prepared to Succeed (Indiana GPS), a new performance dashboard which re-envisions how the state strategically measures school performance and student learning.

Dr. Jenner believes that by supporting students in finding their purpose, knowing their value, and understanding the possibilities for their life’s path, our K-12 system can ensure all students emerge prepared for a dynamic future, whether they choose employment, enrollment, or enlistment leading to service.

Transforming K-12 Education in Indiana

Under Dr. Jenner's leadership, the Indiana Department of Education has worked to transform K-12 education through numerous high-impact tactics. These are just a few examples of this work.

K-12 Education Achievements
