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Community Risk Reduction

Community Risk Reduction banner with data and firefighter graphics

Vast amounts of data are available via the first responder community, and the data are used to inform the true risks to all Hoosiers and create the right strategies to reduce those risks. That is the concept behind Community Risk Reduction (CRR). Data informs the CRR, which then allows for the identification of high-risk areas and behaviors that can then be targeted. Armed with this knowledge, partnerships can form effective strategies using limited resources more efficiently. Benefits of a CRR strategy: identifies new and emerging hazards, addresses underserved communities and changing community demographics, improves Insurance Services Office (ISO) ratings, offsets declining budgets of fire and local governments, helps with accreditation.

Vision 20/20, a national organization with expertise in CRR efforts in the fire service, is working closely with the Indiana Community Risk Reduction Coalition to improve data collection from fire and EMS agencies across the state. Indiana is currently conducting a statewide risk assessment (SRA). Once the SRA is complete, the coalition will begin the “Identify Risks” stage of the CRR process. The risks will be prioritized and plans will be drafted to address those risks for each community. The data analysis will culminate in several mitigation strategies and tactics to address risk factors in communities across the state. Contact Rob Miller at to learn more about the CRR effort or get involved.

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Data Reporting Affects Grants

Reporting data affects grant funding for fire departments. State legislators in 2022 passed HEA 1314, which requires fire departments to report their emergency response data annually (Section 41). If a fire department fails to do so, it may be ineligible to receive certain grants administered by IDHS. Read HEA 1314 details

Fire Incident Data

Best viewed on screens 10"+.

Open Fire Dashboard 

Fire Incident Data

EMS Incident Data

Best viewed on screens 10"+.

Open EMS Dashboard 

EMS Incident Data

Residential Fire Fatalities

Open Fire Fatalities Dashboard 

Residential Fire Fatalities

Highlighted Data

Data is from the U.S. Fire Administration (2025).
Chart might not total 100 percent due to rounding.

Data is from the U.S. Fire Administration (2022).
Chart might not total 100 percent due to rounding.

Additional Data