General Information
- Acadis Portal: Instructions for registration and how to renew certification
- Certifications dishonesty overview
- Course standards and guidelines
- Levels of EMS personnel certification - quick reference
- EMS Commission rules (IAC Title 836)
- Scope of practice (all provider levels)
If your Indiana certification has been expired for more than four months or you were unable to complete your continuing education prior to expiration, complete the Recertification Based on Previous Certification application.
You are only eligible to challenge the written and practical testing one time.
If you completed your in-service prior to expiration, and it has been less than 120 days since expiration, you can submit your continuing education/renewal form and $50 reapplication fee. Only check, money order or certain credit cards are accepted (no cash). For credit card payment use the Credit Card Form. Submit in person or by certified mail.
Adding Social Security Numbers to Acadis
To be compliant with the rules and regulations associated with the EMS Compact, which allows Indiana certified EMS personnel to practice in other EMS Compact member states, the EMS Section is required to collect Social Security numbers from all current license holders and new applicants. Indiana EMS personnel are asked to enter their Social Security number into their existing Acadis account. Only the last four digits will be visible and will be used for identity verification, particularly with the National EMS Coordinated Database.
PSID Numbers and Certification Verification
Applications, Curriculum, Testing and Continuing Education
Select the collapsible (drop-down) sections below to find the following EMS information:
- Applications and Curriculum
- Testing
Below you will find information on how to register to take an Indiana EMS cognitive (written) or psychomotor (practical) exam as well as how to register to take the National Registry Exam.
- Continuing Education
- Continuing education guidelines
- Continuing education signature guidelines
- Continuing education within certification cycle
The following list of websites offers free online courses to anyone who is interested. These courses can be utilized for Continuing Education Hours (CEUs). If you complete a course, please make sure that you print off a copy of the completion certificate to verify the number of CEUs and that you have successfully completed the training. These may be required if your certification is audited.
- Indiana Online Education
- Basic Emergency Medical Services Concepts for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) course (WMD for EMS)
- Columbia University Regional Learning Center (Health, Emergency Management)
- Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center (WMD)
- FEMA Independent Study Courses (ICS/Emergency Management)
- Michigan State University/Safe Response (Hazmat, ICS, Health, Radiation)
- Naval Postgraduate School (Terrorism, Technology)
- Nationwide SAR Initiative (Law Enforcement, Emergency Management)
- National Center for Biomedical Research and Training (Health, Agroterrorism, WMD)
- National Fire Academy (Fire)
- Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (School Emergencies)
- Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium (Terrorism, WMD, Port Security, Crisis Management, Event Planning)
- Texas Engineering Extension Service (WMD, Technology)(Fire, Law Enforcement, Search & Rescue, etc., have charges)
- United States Institute of Peace (Conflict Analysis, Negotiation and Conflict Management)