About the Public Assistance Grant Program
Individual Assistance: If you are a homeowner, renter or private business, visit the Individual Assistance page instead. Public assistance is for governments and nonprofits.
The mission of Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Public Assistance (PA) Grant Program is to provide assistance to state, tribal and local governments, and private nonprofit organizations so that communities can quickly respond to and recover from man-made or natural disasters or emergencies declared by the President. Through the PA Program, FEMA provides supplemental Federal disaster grant assistance to include debris removal, emergency protective measures, and the repair, replacement, or restoration of disaster-damaged, publicly-owned/eligible private nonprofit facilities.
Information and resources found below provide details regarding the Public Assistance Grant Program. The Indiana Department of Homeland Security is the recipient of the federal funds and administers the FEMA program to statewide applicants (sub-recipients) for infrastructure and essential services damage.
The PA Program also encourages protection of these damaged facilities from future events by providing assistance for hazard mitigation measures during the recovery process. Reimbursements through the PA Program are subject to a cost share; 75 percent of eligible costs are reimbursed, and the remaining 25 percent is to be covered by the applicant.
- Environmental Issues
- FEMA Resources
- Public Assistance Program Forms
- Public Assistance Program Training
To request a course to be scheduled in your area, please contact the Public Assistance Section at pa@dhs.in.gov.
- State Disaster Relief Fund
The Indiana State Disaster Relief Fund (SDRF) was established in 2003 to provide assistance to individuals and local governments who may not be eligible for federal disaster assistance but meet the state’s criteria for disaster relief. IDHS administers the SDRF in two parts: Public Assistance and Individual Assistance.
Funding from the SDRF is designed to assist with repairing structures like buildings or houses. Examples of other projects include repairing public roads and bridges, reimbursing public safety response costs, replacement of medically required equipment and repairs to vehicles required for work.
Currently, the SDRF is funded by IDHS-issued fireworks permits.
- COVID-19 Public Assistance
Update: FEMA's end date for the COVID-19 disaster incident period was May 11, 2023. Learn more
The first step to applying for public assistance project reimbursements is to determine applicant eligibility. Go to FEMA's Grants Portal to create an account and submit a request for public assistance (RPA). After being determined to be an eligible applicant, an organization can then then submit application(s) for projects.
Note: See the Grants Portal Account Quick Guide for help creating a Grants Portal account.Review the Quick Hits section below to quickly learn more about the COVID-19 public assistance process. Direct questions to the IDHS Public Assistance Grant Program at pa@dhs.in.gov.
Note: For step-by-step guidance on submitting project applications, see the FEMA Public Assistance Applicant Quick Guide. Additionally, there are supplementary documents available below in the Quick Hits section.Quick Hits