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Code Comments and Proposals

If you have any comments or concerns regarding the Commission’s rules or believe any Commission rule is: (1) unclear; (2) ambiguous; (3) in conflict with another rule of the Commission, another state agency, or a local ordinance; or (4) in need of updating or amending, please complete the form below. Upon receipt of this form, Commission staff will catalog and review your submission, and, if appropriate, work with the Commission in addressing the issue. However, please be advised, submissions or questions posed in the submissions will not be answered by Commission staff. The purpose of these submissions is to notify the Commission of areas in its rules that may be improved upon, not to solicit advice or counsel from the Commission or its staff. Neither the Commission, its staff, any employee of the Indiana Department of Homeland Security, nor the State Building Commissioner can provide code advice, code research, or advisory opinions on code questions. If you are in need of such information, it is recommended that you contact a code consultant or design professional.

IMPORTANT! All code change proposals must include a fiscal impact analysis. A fiscal impact analysis should show:

  1. The total, statewide cost or savings created by the code change in the first year of implementation; and
  2. A calculation showing how the value was determined. Please use the values provided below under Approved Baseline Numbers for Fiscal Analysis. If you believe that a code change proposal will have no fiscal impact, please explain why the fiscal impact would be zero. Code change proposals that do not include a fiscal impact analysis will be labeled as improperly submitted and will not be considered by the Commission.

Approved Baseline Numbers for Fiscal Analysis

Approved baseline numbers for fiscal analysis

  • Apartments: 14,245 units
  • Class II Structures: 21,778