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Home Owner Recommendations

Recommendations to the homeowner concerning building in Randolph County:

  1. Make sure an Improvement Location Permit is obtained from Area Planning.
  2. Make sure the proper building permit is obtained (remember demolition permits are required also). Check the list on the FAQS part of this website to see what common projects require and do not require a building permit. Basically, the construction, alteration, demolition, or repair of any building (except maintenance) requires a local permit.
  3. Make sure the contractor doing the work is registered. No building permit will be issued without a registered contractor or homeowner listed as the general contractor. All subcontractors are considered the same as contractors and must be registered to do work in the county.
  4. Randolph County does not require proof of liability insurance from contractors, so as a homeowner you need to make sure that the contractor (or subcontractor) you hire has liability insurance. Ask to see their Certificate of Insurance (COI). Most contractors still provide us with a COI. As a service to them and the homeowner, we can still provide this information when requested.
  5. Make sure you check with your own insurance agent to see if you need to increase your insurance before construction begins and what part of the construction is covered by the contractors' insurance and what part is covered by yours.
  6. Randolph County does not require a License or Permit Bond from contractors. If a Surety or Performance Bond is desired, then it will be your responsibility to ask your contractor for one.
  7. IC 24-5-11 applies to Home Improvement Contracts for residential property. Check it out!
  8. Ask the contractor about any warranty. There is an article on this topic on the Indiana Builders Association website and there is information in Indiana Code on New Home Construction Warranties (IC 32-27-1) and Home Improvement Warranties (IC 32-27-2).
  9. Always deal with someone you trust. If the contractor is asking for money upfront then that may be a "red flag". Check references and ask for the last 2 or 3 jobs completed by the contractor. For instance, if you are building a garage, then ask to see the last 2 garages the contractor has built. Check out the quality of the work, materials, etc...
  10. Ask about any subcontractors that might be used on the project.
  11. Make sure you know who is going to be responsible to call for inspections. A list of required inspections can be found on this website. Call (765) 584-0275 for inspections.