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Drug Court

Recent studies have shown that about 80% of offenders abuse drugs and/or alcohol and nearly 50% of all jail and prison inmates are clinically addicted. Not only do these statistics raise alarms about the drug epidemic our community, and the rest of the county is facing, but additional studies have shown that approximately 60-80% of drug abusers commit a new crime that is typically drug-related after release from prison and that approximately 95% of drug abusers return to drug abuse after release from prison. Illegal drug use and abuse is a problem and these statistics point to the fact that traditional incarceration tactics are not likely to create a positive change in the lives of those addicted to drugs or alcohol. Drug courts are a relatively new way of fighting the cycle of drug abuse and incarceration. This innovative criminal justice intervention works both for the individual struggling with drug abuse and for the taxpayer and the broader community as a whole by reducing recidivism, saving money, and systematically affecting the community in a positive manner. Statistics have shown that nationally, 75% of drug court graduates remain arrest-free 2 years after leaving the program, and Grant County does even better than that, with nearly 80% of drug court graduates remaining arrest-free after three years. Drug court costs have been calculated to save taxpayers money, with every $1 invested in drug court ultimately saving $3-$12. And finally, parents in drug court are more likely to attend and complete treatment, children of drug court participants spend significantly less time in out-of-home placements like foster care, drug court parents pay support, and drug court graduates are either working or attending school.

Grant County is taking intentional steps to enhance the process of recovery for addicted individuals. The Grant County Drug Court offers non-violent drug offenders an opportunity to break the cycle of addiction and crime. Drug Court is composed of four components: substance abuse treatment, random and frequent drug screens, regular court appearances and meetings with a probation officer, and incentives and sanctions to encourage a healthy, drug-free lifestyle. With this multifaceted approach of benefiting the individual and the community, Grant County is proud to offer drug court services to those who are serious about turning their lives around and making a positive, drug-free change in their life.