Bob Porter is the Utilities Superintendent for the Town of Culver. He can be reached at (574) 292-3943.
Culver Water Department is located at South Ohio Street. The facility was upgraded in 2016 with the help of a grant from the Office of Community and Rural Affairs.
The Town of Culver is serviced by two wells with pump capacities of 300 gallons per minute. The water is treated through a chlorination process and then supplemented with fluoride. Water reports are sent out annually to all customers.
The Town has two water towers in service.
For current rates, please contact Town Hall.
The Town of Culver has a Wellhead Protection Plan on file at the Clerk’s Office. The current consumer report for Culver’s drinking water can be found in the documents section of this site under the category “water.”
Water Reports

The Culver Street Department maintains the streets, alleys and storm drains to provide for safe and orderly travel within the city right-of-way for Culver pedestrians and vehicular traffic. We strive to provide the community with the best service available, within both budgetary and environmental limitations. The department workers also fix water and sewer line breaks.
The following services are provided seasonally:
Brush pickup is offered regularly as crews are available, typically once a week. Brush should be placed on the owner’s property next to the curb. Tree trunks will not be taken, nor will trees be professionally removed.
Street sweeping occurs in the warm months as a means of keeping debris from clogging the storm sewers.
Leaf pickup occurs in the fall while leaves are falling from the trees. No specific dates are set for leaf removal, but it will begin when a large number of leaves start to fall and will continue until the majority of leaves are picked up or snow interferes. Leaf pickup starts at one end of town and moves from one end to the other and back again.
Snow removal occurs in the winter. A snow route is enforced for parking on main roads. Snow is cleared from the main thoroughfares first and then through streets. Alleys are plowed last.
The Culver Wastewater Department is located at the end of Hoosier Lane and operates under the supervision of Damon Bush and Ben Smith. The Culver wastewater plant is an extended aeration plant with a capacity of .548 million gallons per day. Sludge-drying reed beds are used as part of the processing. The plant received a Lab Excellence Award in 1999 and was awarded the Best Small Plant in Indiana in 1996.

Utility bills can be paid with credit/debit cards in the office or online. To pay online, visit, or call 1.866.480.8552. There is an additional processing fee to the customer for this service, and your account number is required to process payment. Automatic payments can be set up by submitting a completed ACH authorization form to the deputy clerk at
Utility bills must be paid by the 15th of every month to avoid late charges.
For more information, contact Julie Cowell, the deputy clerk at 574.842.3140.