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Zoning Appeals

The purpose of the Board of Zoning Appeal (BZA) is to make sure the zoning ordinance is implemented in a fair and effective manner as well as determine if a variance is justifiable and reasonable.

The BZA consists of five members appointed by the following groups:

  • One member appointed by the Town Council President who is also a member of the Plan Commission
  • Two additional members appointed by the Town Council President who are not members of the Plan Commission
  • One member appointed by the Town Council who is not a member of the Plan Commission
  • One member appointed by the Plan Commission is also a member of the Plan Commission. This member must either be a county agricultural agent, or a citizen member of the Plan Commission other than the member appointed by the Council or Council President.

BZA members may not hold another elective or appointive office in municipal, county, or state government. All members must be residents of the jurisdictional area.

The board meets at 6:30 p.m., on the third Thursday of the month as warranted.

BZA Members are Barry McManaway (President), Dan Osborne, John Crist (secretary), Andrew Melshen, and Andrew Strati.

You may contact Building Commissioner Steve Gorski with questions. He can be reached at 574.842.3140 or 574.216.6476.

The variance of development standards, special use variances, and administrative appeals can be applied for online here:

Recordings of recent BZA meetings are available on the Town’s YouTube Channel. Minutes may be viewed by contacting Town Hall.