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Office of the Chief Data Officer Policies

Policies, Standards, Procedures and Guidance

Indiana's Management Performance Hub (MPH) seeks to improve the quality of life for Hoosiers with data, innovation, and collaboration. To this end, we partner with government and civic organizations to empower innovation and enable the use of valuable data, all while maintaining data privacy and stewardship at the highest level. A core component of this responsibility is the application of controls that enable the efficient and ethical use of data as we leverage it to deliver great government service to Hoosiers. MPH exercises its policymaking function through the Office of the Indiana Chief Data Officer (OCDO). These OCDO documents should be used by Indiana state agencies as the policy 'floor,' meaning that agencies are free to institute more restrictive policies for their internal operations, so long as those restrictions do not otherwise conflict with applicable law or OCDO policy, standards, procedures, and guidance.

Data Privacy & Ethics

Indiana Fair Information Practices Act View
State of Indiana Policy: Information Privacy View
     OCDO Standard: Privacy Maturity Assessment View
     OCDO Standard: Privacy Impact Assessment Methodology View
     OCDO Standard: Agency Privacy Officer View
     OCDO Standard: Privacy Data Classifications View
     OCDO Standard: HIPAA Deidentification Methodology Coming Soon!
     OCDO Procedure: MPH Data Review Team & OCDO Privacy Board View
     OCDO Guidance: Data Suppression and Obfuscation View
State of Indiana Policy: Fair Information Practices in Agency Analytics Environments View
State of Indiana Policy: State Agency Artificial Intelligence Systems View
     OCDO Standard: State Agency Artificial Intelligence Systems Standard View

Data Quality

State of Indiana Policy: Information Quality Coming Soon!

Questions? Please contact us!