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  • Indiana Data Hub

    With more than 190 secure and de-identified datasets, the Data Hub is your home for actionable data covering subject matter areas within state government.

    Visit the Data Hub
  • Indiana Transparency Portal

    ITP brings better visibility, openness and accountability to state government. This partnership with the Auditor of State leverages data analytics and visualization tools to take the state’s transparency efforts to the Next Level.

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  • Enhanced Research Environment

    The ERE is a secure collaboration environment that expedites research and analysis by bringing research teams, code and data together for the greater good.

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MPH Project Center

MPH provides analytics solutions tailored to address complex management and policy questions enabling improved outcomes for Hoosiers. We empower our partners to leverage data in innovative ways, facilitating data-driven decision making and data-informed policy making.

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Teacher Compensation & School Finance

As part of Gov. Holcomb’s 2021 agenda, MPH helped the Next Level Teacher Compensation Commission roll out a data dashboard for easy comparisons of school corporation financial, expenditure and compensation metrics.
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Data-Driven Addiction, Prevention, and Recovery (DDAPR)

The Data-Driven Addiction, Prevention, and Recovery (DDAPR) Project, launched in 2017, unites multiple Indiana state agencies to analyze and visualize substance use data, empowering decision-makers and guiding impactful actions for addiction prevention and recovery.

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Fatal Drug Overdose Touchpoints

The dashboard below displays touchpoints, as captured through state administrative datasets, that an individual experienced prior to a fatal overdose. The touchpoints are displayed by prevalence, frequency, and recency as rates and percentages, beginning in 2015.

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Equity Data Portal

The State of Indiana’s Equity Data Portal delivers a view into current health, public safety, social services, education and workforce data to help Hoosiers keep the state accountable to ensuring all Hoosiers are served equitably.

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Mental Health Dashboard

MPH partnered with multiple agencies to develop a dashboard tracking mental health-related events as captured in emergency medical services (EMS) and emergency department (ED) data.

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Martin, Cotterill Honored as Data Leaders

Two leaders at the Indiana Management Performance Hub were recently honored for their work and leadership. Indiana Chief Data Officer Josh Martin was named to the 40 Under Forty Data Leaders in 2022 list by Chief Data Officer (CDO) Magazine. Indiana Chief Privacy Officer Ted Cotterill was honored as an Up and Coming Lawyer by Indiana Lawyer.

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Browse and download the State of Indiana’s publicly-available datasets to gain insight into current data trends around the state.

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