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21st Century Talent Regions

  • MPH
  • Current: 21st Century Talent Regions

In order to provide the best services and care to citizens, state and local government agencies should empower businesses and organizations to attract, hire and retain talented individuals and employers who support this mission. To do so, agencies should provide tools to inform data-driven strategy development at the county and regional levels.

Discover how the State of Indiana’s Secretary of Career Connections & Talent partnered with the Management Performance Hub to develop a single, interactive data display to accomplish this goal. You’ll learn how they compiled data from multiple sources into one collaborative, transparent platform that counties can use to encourage economic growth and development.

Agency Sponsors: Indiana Career Connections & Talent (CCT), MPH

Learn more about Indiana CCT

21st Century Talent Regions Home 21st Century Talent Regions Data Display Home
This version on the CCT website contains directions if you need them to navigate.

Data Display

About the 21CTR Data Display

Dark blue tiles correlate with data points that pertain to leveraging the power of place to grow the population of the community and region.

Yellow tiles correlate with data points that pertain to building a homegrown learning system to cultivate talent and increase educational attainment.

Light blue tiles correlate with data points that pertain to coordinating talent with equitable economic opportunities to raise household income and earnings.

Learn more about Indiana CCT

21st Century Talent Regions Home

21st Century Talent Regions Data Display Home
This version on the CCT website contains directions if you need them to navigate.

About the 21CTR Data Display

Dark blue tiles correlate with data points that pertain to leveraging the power of place to grow the population of the community and region.

Yellow tiles correlate with data points that pertain to building a homegrown learning system to cultivate talent and increase educational attainment.

Light blue tiles correlate with data points that pertain to coordinating talent with equitable economic opportunities to raise household income and earnings.

All MPH Projects

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Visit the Indiana DATA Hub

Browse and download the State of Indiana’s publicly-available datasets to gain insight into current data trends around the state.

Visit the Indiana Data Hub

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