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Lead Sampling Program


The Indiana Finance Authority (“IFA”), with assistance from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, has developed the Lead Sampling Program for Schools and Child Care Facilities (“Lead Sampling Program”) to help schools and child care facilities assess if there is a presence of lead in drinking water within their buildings.

This program is funded in part by the U.S. EPA's Lead Testing in School and Child Care Program Drinking Water Grant authorized under the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act and largely follows the U.S. EPA’s 3Ts guidance – Training, Testing, and Taking Action.

View the video below for a step-by-step guide on how to participate.

Fact Sheets


Use the button below to apply (application in WORD for your convenience here).

Lead Sampling Program Application

Prior to submitting an application, please review the IFA Lead Sampling Program steps for Participants, to understand expectations.

Enrolled Participants

You can find the list of enrolled schools and child care facilities here, along with a summary of testing results and remediation work. This list is updated quarterly.

In 2017-2018, the IFA conducted the Lead Sampling Program for Schools. You can find more information on this previous program by viewing the Final Report and the Summary of Enrollment, Results and Remediation Data.


  • Why is sampling for lead in drinking water a priority?

    Recent events have increased the visibility of the risks young children face when exposed to elevated levels of lead. Drinking water is one pathway through which children can be exposed to lead. By participating in this program, schools and child care facilities join Indiana in continuing to advance safe and healthy environments for our youngest Hoosiers.

  • Who is eligible to apply?

    All Indiana public K-12 schools recognized by the Indiana Department of Education and all child care facilities recognized by the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration are eligible to apply for the program.

  • What does the program provide?

    The Lead Sampling Program covers the cost of sampling bottles, postage to send the bottles to the facilities and to the laboratory once collected, plus the sample analysis cost. Schools and child care facilities are responsible for collecting samples and any costs associated with remediation actions identified by sampling. The IFA will provide sample collection training, as well as remediation guidance specific to each facility’s results.  Facilities that serve a Disadvantage Community may be eligible for financial assistance to help cover the cost of labor and parts related to remediation needs.  See separate fact sheet titledDisadvantaged Community Assistance for the Lead Sampling Program.

  • What reporting requirements will be required?

    Participants must make the sampling results available to the public by maintaining a copy of results in their offices or by posting the results online.


Contact Information

Evan Fall
Project Manager, Water Programs

Sarah Hudson
Technical Assistance and Outreach Manager

Joanie Jones
Administrative Assistant

Stephanie McFarland
Media inquiries

Program Mailing Address:

100 North Senate Avenue, Rm. 1275
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Fax: 317-234-1338