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Air Quality Data

Near-real time air quality maps and data, and air monitoring summaries and reports are available to the public. Subscribe to updates to this page by selecting providing your email or SMS number.

Near-real Time Air Quality Maps and Data

Through IDEM's Data Management and Display System, anyone has access to near-real time statewide and regional air quality maps and data including:

  • The Air Quality Index (AQI) for pollutants including ozone and particulate matter (PM)
  • Current pollutant concentrations (including carbon monoxide. nitrogen dioxide, ozone, particulate matter, and sulfur dioxide)
  • Meteorological data (including air temperature, barometric pressure, precipitation, relative humidity, solar radiation, and wind speed and direction)
  • User-generated reports for ozone and PM.

IDEM’s DMDS also enables users to obtain information about monitoring sites such as location, pollutants being monitored, and historical data. Noncontinuous 24-hour data collected using manual sampling methods is available for PM collected on a daily (one sample per day), 3-day (one sample every 3 days), and 6-day (one sample every 6 days) basis, and for lead and other metals collected on a 6-day basis.

Air Monitoring Summaries and Reports

Quick View Current Monitoring Data Summaries

Air Quality Data Reports

Seasonal and Annual Data Reports

Air Quality Trends

Air Toxics Monitoring and Studies

Special Monitoring Projects

  • Fine Particles
  • Lead: Whiting Metals, Hammond, IN [XLSX]
    • Includes lead readings in micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3), day of the week, average wind speed in miles per hour (mph), number of hours wind speed exceeded 10 mph, inches of precipitation on the day of sampling, and rainfall two days prior to sampling.
  • Hartford City Special Study [PDF]:
    • In response to concerns regarding the Hartford Iron and Metal facility (HI&M) in Hartford City, Indiana, including a letter sent to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) by the Blackford County Concerned Citizens (BCCC), the Office of Air Quality (OAQ) conducted a special monitoring study near the facility from May 2020 through August 2020.

Air Monitoring Data from Neighboring States

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